Beatrice - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
"Despite being a lowly slave, she doesn't possess a malicious heart"
Excuse me, wtf? Does he think 'lowly slaves' all have 'malicious hearts'?
The story is getting stupid suddenly...
Oct 14, 2019
@Azure_1802 thats most likely because they are forced into slavery and really its a terrible thing so of course they would want to get out of slavery by doing sneaky and bad things.
Jun 17, 2019
I want to love this, I really do but God I just despite the male lead, I wish the female lead hate him tbh:/
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
@3drocket: it doesn't mean all slaves would be like that, and not all slaves who do bad things are malicious at heart, they may just do so for survival purposes. For an arkduke who is described as a great person to have such prejudice... he's more like a noble kid who just reach his teen and is coddled in his castle, having no real life experience.
May 24, 2019
@blipBloop Same! I just can't bring myself to like him.. I would be more happy if she ended up with the guy who hugged her instead
Aug 15, 2019
Bandits see a whole fcking army.... and a (probably) fully decorated general and decided its a good idea to bring out their daggers......
I'm going down with my Chloe x Trigger ship. I don't even care.
Jul 1, 2019
The artwork in this story reminds me a lot of Red River/ Anatolia story. Especially the size difference and how he manhandles her. (I'm not complaining, I'm here for it.) Only difference is that she's not as much of a trouble maker as Yuri.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Maybe it's just me but it seems like there's too many things that don't make sense. That caravan should have at least a hundred or so people between the soldiers and servants with more than a few armed and some like the Archduke in a fancy uniform with a lot of medals. So why do the bandits think they can handle so many people much less outnumber them? Also, why isn't Sir Trigger armed and helping fight? While it's understandable and great he's worried about Chloe, but having a Sir means he's either knighted and/or have a rank/title so should be armed and helping suppress the bandits rather than trying to shield and protect a slave that is considered more property than a person. Finally, why did the Archduke pick her up and what is he going to do with her, put her on his horse? Guess will have to wait for next chapter to find out.
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2020
@Mathiason i think only chloe adress trigger with "sir" , maybe because she thinks sir trigger social status as normal citizen is higher than her as a war slave, same like when chloe address heidi with miss heidi. or maybe its some kind of korean stuff, remember this manhwa originally not from english speaking country?

I think its understandable that only the knights are fighting the bandits since its their job and moreover trigger dont have a sword, he is just a servant. what do you expect
Jan 27, 2020
Am I in the Twilight Zone right now? You're telling me a group of "thieves" ambush a massive caravan of armed knights in BROAD DAYLIGHT for food and think they're going to come out on top. Why not wait till nightfall and just steal the food? What a cheap plot device. His being nonchalant about killing people isn't freaking cool either, I get it he's a knight, but are you really so confused as to why she is scared of you? Pretty clear to me. The fact that she will eventually fall for him is gross considering he seemed fine killing her in the past. I would actually respect this story if she didn't develop feelings for him. And for anyone who is starting to like this guy, I encourage you to go back and read chapters one through four.
Oct 13, 2019
👺 Chloe girl choose anyone but the archduke please ! I can't stand this man one bit. Something about him just pisses me tf off
Apr 13, 2020
I think she should end up with Sir Trigger cause he’s the nicest and closest to her right now. And that hug was just adorable! Plus he’s handsome xD
Jan 30, 2020
Tbh I partially agreed with you guys in shipping her with sir trigger or the plot to go where she doesn't develop feelings for the archduke first. Scared should be more appropriate...I just feel something is off the first time I wanna ship her with the archduke you know. And the fact that the bandits attacking them in broad daylight is none other than the writer to show or to emphasize about the Duke behaviour towards her. I think? Well it's kinda typical romance story here :')
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
@Flarand Only knights are referred to as sir. If he was simply a servant than it would be mister. Granted might be some mix up due to author mistaking proper term to use. However, he is the servant of a general and a coachman so he would have been armed and trained enough to defend himself and the carriage he's responsible for while the knights and guards would be in charge of defending the whole caravan and subduing the thieves. After all, in those kinds of times there were numerous instances of small groups of thieves waylaying caravans of just a few carriages to make off with the goods and killing potential witnesses, even cooperating ones, which made handling a weapon and defending their carriage a necessity for protecting their life and job. In any case, guess will just have to keep reading to get a better idea of Trigger's job, responsibilities, and training.
Nov 15, 2019
I like that their relationship blossoms slowly, it makes so much sense than suddenly fallin love just because he was a lil bit kind.
May 12, 2020
Oh look a knife... erm... yes, how curious a KABAR knife of the US army... what where the odds...
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
Trigger with Chloe was cute... lol Oh, was this chapter supposed to have me squeal about the Archduke? My bad. All I saw was Trigger.

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