
May 31, 2019
I would like to buy it. Sadly its not available in my country. So yeah... Stop judging other kindness to share...

Just buy when its available in ur country instead of critize. MTL if seen in positive ways, it can raise author popularity, some made it big (turn to drama/anime) because mouth to mouth ads.

Ps. Am thankful for the translation.. i love this lots hehe
Aug 22, 2019
The fortune teller looks more like his potential sister than our Beatrice and that is all I got to say about that... 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 11, 2020
Some people seem to have very sad and boring lives to harass people on the internet. Maybe go outside and do something instead? 🤷
You’ll look back at your comments when you’re more mature and cringe so hard that it’s painful, I guarantee it.

I’m sad to see the group drop it, but thankfully we still have MTL. Stay strong! ❤️😊
Mar 28, 2020
@8890718 @arutsuki
Not at yall saying I have entitlement lol, what I said is true, this person started drama. if you do not know the language do not try translate a series by MTL(this leads to alot of mistranslations). Especially when the series was already being done by a group that knows the language.
Also when using illegal Korean scans please. Keep that shit off Mangadex. Atleast actually scan groups buy the actual chapter. Doesn't matter if they're giving to you for free, atleast support the author/artist some way
Jul 19, 2019
Empire scans - so sad to see you drop the series. I’ve loved this story and appreciate all your hard work.
MTL - thank you for continuing to share the story with us. You’re doing a great job and letting me follow the story. I couldn’t do the same in your shoes, LOL. So kudos and thanks.

To all the haters...Get lost. Just leave. If you don’t like it no need to ruin it for everyone else. Thanks to you you’ve made the efforts or our tireless translators who share their efforts with the rest of us for *free* all for nothing, Something wrong with you guys. Shame.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
The guy (out gal or whatever they identify as) has the reason they MTL as their group name they mtl for their sister and graciously let us read the chapters like it's not the best translation and that's fine I've seen nothing but respect come from the group.
Oct 30, 2019
I'd just like to say if you don't like the story then don't bloody read it... there's no point to continually post your negative thoughts.
Jun 9, 2018
@lovelyspacepanda just thought to mention that mangadex isn’t a legal choice either so you’re not doing anything in the right either. what gives you the right to criticize someone who’s uploaded MTL chapters off an “illegal website”. if we’re going by this logic, mangadex is also an illegal website due to unauthorized reproduction and translations of published series. in other words, none of us are in the right because we’re not paying for the series we read (legally) and are instead reading from here.
Aug 22, 2019
Over the years reading on websites like these have made me realize how great it is to support the author. Though when you can't because of the app its on has country restrictions nothing but this can be done. It always made me super skeptical because while some will be fully translated others often suffer like this.

Scanalation groups are usually fan run groups and they vary from really great to really poor. Though sometimes some fans will try to go ahead of another scan group which frustrates the readers along with the group. In the end it becomes one big mess because the group doesn't want to necessarily argue with either their fans or the new translation group, but if it is noticeable that one is clearly better than the other there will be strife.

In the end it is easy to blame the readers who often support the group because at the end of the day its illegal. It's also something they don't have to do so the reader must always be grateful. They literally put their necks out on a limb and can incur actual real life punishment for this authors work. So anytime I see another translation group trying to take over a project I always get worried because of the reaction of both the reader and the groups involved.

But at the end othe day there is nothing that can be done. You still get illegal translated stories to read no matter how good or poor. You still aren't putting nothing but your own entertainment on the line. Act like you know how to understand the story because you know English enough to briefly understand what they're saying.

The group or person translating doesn't matter and if the site gets shut down let it be a lesson to you that you don't always get what you want. Everyone in the comments talking about anything but the authors work is not right. There is no point to prove, if you don't like it and you're not willing to do what these groups do then suck it up and take what you're given.

Also groups you're allowed to do what you want or what you don't want to do and no one can do anything about it. Though it is always a common courtesy to ask before doing anything. Empire was asking for help for quite some time before officially handing Beatrice over. So while I am happy its being continued by someone I am unhappy to see all these comments that couldve been avoided if things had been tried differently.

Fans are allowed to get frustrated at disorganization because some of these fans actually support the fan run groups. They actually invest and spend money in these fan run groups that still support the author for those of us in a different country that cannot. Though if you're not a fan and you're just a reader sit down and take a L. If you're too young to do anything I am sorry but you'll just have to wait for the author.

Though when you can finally support the author make your voice heard, show your support, fangirl, do what you love and don't hold back. Though the author is still human, and things happen but supporting the author is always better than dealing with any of this.


Supporting platforms that are fair to both the reader and the author are always better than this.


Your opinion and your frustration as a reader and as a fan is held in equal standing in the authors eyes. There is no arguing between groups, fans, and readers because they are their works best advocate. There is just the author and you. The author decides the quality and timelyness of their work and what is deemed disrespectful from their their audience. Because at the end of the day the only person who will put the best/"worst" possible product forward will always be the author. The only person in charge of suddenly stopping production is also the author for the authors reasons. Rarely is it the case that the platform dropped them, but who cares the author can change platforms.

So if you really wanna read anything you really love then go find a way to support the author. Because even supporting these groups doesn't guarantee anything, but yes we shall forever be grateful to those who do it. Because we all cannot always do what we want, but I'm not about to act as if this isn't illegal by any means.

I'm also not about to go crazy because I now have to do some mental editing. I am going to just be grateful that there is someone willing to share this work with me. I am tired of seeing the comments acting like they have to blame someone also. It is what it is guys, get over it and either read or wait.

Without any further commenting...

I thank you for the update MTL and I say farewell to empire scans doing Beatrice.

Aug 22, 2019
If you're not willing to read my comment to understand it let me break it down for you in a really easy to read manner.

Translation groups do not have to kiss the readers butt, nor do you have to feel obligated to deal with other fan made translation grouos. Though you also don't have the right to judge whether or not a fans frustration level is warranted. Only the author can judge whether or not the comments said are disrespect toward any work being done on their work. Because while it is respectable that you do this for those of us who cannot there are better ways to resolve problems. I say this because the only person who suffers from a translator blaming fans is the author who may lose fans because of the stress involved, and I left that at that.

Fans; as in people who invest in these groups, are not obligated to pay the tranation groups. Also no one you pay in these groups is obligated to do what you want. Meaning if the group you were supporting drops the work you were paying for you for, you do not have a right to lash out in the comments disrespecting the new translation group. Yeah you have a right to be frustrated but that should teach you how to better invest your money.

Readers... Read and love it while it lasts. (^-^)

Though overall this is illegal and so whenever you are able to, always find a way to support the author.
May 4, 2019
Thanks from all my heart to all translator teams current and past ones 🙏♥️
And the story going to be ridiculous but I can’t stop reading it 😂😭💔
Jun 3, 2019
damn i really hate when we have something good going and its ripped of our feet cos some people are just ungrateful now everyone don't get anything 🙄

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