This chapter was great. It was a dick move to end Casca and Guts' reunion on a cliffhanger that made it seem like Casca might've reverted back to potato form, but this chapter finally makes up for it. It was delightful seeing Casca as herself again, and seeing her swordfight. Her being unable to see Guts without recalling the trauma is a bittersweet resolution, fitting for Berserk, and I'm looking forward to see the journey she takes on the road to recovery in future chapters.
That being said, I see concerns over the future of Berserk in light of Miura's announcement of a new manga. It's important to understand that this one comic has been 99% of his creative output, for almost 30 years, and unlike something like Jojo where the characters and setting can completely change, this story has kept the same characters, setting, and plot momentum for all that time. People are thinking that the new manga will slow Berserk releases, but I think the opposite might happen, and that Miura getting to work on something not Berserk-related will help him cope with the task of creating new chapters. I won't say Berserk releases will speed up, cuz that's a bit too optimistic, but I don't think the speed of releases will be affected. The man has drawn a shit-ton for decades now, he can handle working on a mere two series at once.
@MilkDrinker That's what I'm thinking too, the series is gonna start creeping into darker territory now that Casca has healed. Her being traumatized by seeing Guts is the first taste of this, and as the Guts vs. Griffith confrontation becomes imminent, I think the darker elements will come back into play. Whatever it is, I'm excited to see it unfold.