Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

Mar 6, 2019
To all the folks complaining about her acting exactly as she did in the past before the time skip, please remember that it’s much easier said than done to fight against the abuse of an adult. Fighting back against her abusive adoptive brothers was comparatively easier because she actually did have a decent support system—that is, her adoptive parents. While her parents’ methods of dealing with the problem could be questionable, they didn’t tend to work against her. Besides that, she was dealing with children. Incredibly malicious and vindictive children, yes, but she was perfectly equipped to fight against them—never mind that she was living in a child’s body, she had the mind of an adult, plus she was well aware of their characters, quirks and habits and all. Handling them would have been a challenge, sure, but not impossible. She was fighting enemies her own size. On top of that, her courage to face them came from a place of frustration, as well as the resolve to change the past, which included saving her adoptive parents.

Obviously, that didn’t happen. In fact, it’s arguably worse: not only did her parents die, Cabel got caught up in the accident, too. Her resolve is naturally going to be cracked from the shock of it. Her biggest support system is gone. Look at the situation: she’s the adopted girl, who has internalised the view that she’s an outsider, and so rationalised that consequently, her problems matter less than that of the actual family. And who’s she up against now? An adult. The power structure’s changed. It doesn’t matter if she’s got the mind of an adult, she’s in a child’s body, and she doesn’t have much freedom to fight against an authoritative figure because the abusive adult isn’t going to consider her as seriously as an abusive sibling might. She doesn’t have power: she’s a kid, who was adopted, and as far as the adult knows, definitely not of very reputable origins, plus she’s a girl if anybody cares about gender here. On top of that, this abusive adult is actually helping Erich. Erich responded to nobody’s attempts to help him except this adult, so who’s to say what he’d do if his biggest support suddenly disappeared because of a person he hates?

Why can’t she ask Eugene for help? Well, how can she ask Eugene for help? Eugene’s swamped with all the work since their parents died, he’s the new head of the house with siblings too young and immature to rely upon, and he’s more stressed than anybody ever should be. So how can she, the outsider child, in a situation where everybody’s mourning, come out and say ‘the new guardian’s abusing me’ when he’s already got so much on his plate and probably struggled just to find someone to help take care of them? If Eugene heard, would he support her? Of course he would. But the protagonist still doesn’t understand that. She has a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Eugene will look out for her because when she has become so accustomed to his role as the accomplice of her abusers for a lifetime, that shift in attitude doesn’t fit in with that mentality. Don’t tell me that it should be obvious. Having someone who formerly abused you suddenly treat you well, no matter how reasonably previous events have explained it to be very not-so-sudden, is not going to be obvious. It tends to get your guard up for something worse.

I don’t know about this being terrible writing, but since the author’s gone and put this arc in anyway, I’m glad that they recognise the challenge in actually speaking up against child abuse. I don’t like that Hari has to stay quiet for the good of the family again either, but I’d be much more annoyed if the author played off talking about child abuse as if it’s an everyday complaint. Deciding not to let yourself be abused anymore is hard enough, and stopping the abuse is even harder. “Help” is a word that’s tough to say when you’re surrounded by people you think would never want to help.

This was just my take on why she decided to stay quiet. I think I had more points to add to explain why she’s being like this, and I’m sure somebody’s going to have better and more valid arguments against or for my own, but luckily for anybody reading this, I’ve forgotten them all, so I’ll spare you guys of an even longer essay. Congrats if you make it to the end of this lol and thanks as always to the group translating!
Apr 6, 2019
My sweet girl, you have such a big heart to hide your suffering from him.
Hope karma hits that Inhumane abusive waste of air hard!

Thank you for the update!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
@Cattish That's an amazing explanation..., after i got the will to read everything. Can you create TL;DR version or at least bolded or underlined important points in the future?

I think it gonna help a lot when reading wall of texts in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
As an adult, I thought Hari would know not to keep quiet about the abuse. 😠
Jan 25, 2018
Reincarnation series are fun because the protagonist is usually able to make their lives better, and the lives of those around them better, using the knowledge they gained last time. This series doesn't do ANY of that. The MC suffers WORSE the second time because she is powerless in pretty much every situation. Is her suffering the point? I'm just about ready to drop this.
Feb 4, 2018
Honesyly, after the first punishment, i would just say "fuck this shit" and run away from her as long as possible.

It's the first time they meet, and the aunt already whipped her, it can only be worse later.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@Someone2Love The brother who is also pretty much a child already has too many things to worry about and the aunt is "good for" the other brother. (she is getting abused because she is hated but the other brother is being taken care of properly enough to show health improvements.)

So her decision is basically "good" for everyone except herself and since she "is an adult", she can tolerate being abused to "protect" children.

@Cattish I'd like to think that the protagonist has gotten close enough to her brothers, Eugene especially, to know that he would help her if she spoke up. (Since she does show that she worries for her brothers actively looking for them to ask if they have eaten). She didn't because of the twin brother (name forgotten) is being taken care of and because Eugene already has too much to worry about. (She didn't want him to get more things to worry about).

Like you said, the twin is being taken care of. Chasing her away would be detrimental to him and poor Eugene would only have more work to do aside from taking care of that other brother. Since she is an "adult" she can "handle" the abuse.

Thats my take on it at least.
Jan 5, 2020
It's because eldest bro is the one being overworked and pressured. Take in mind that he is much younger than mental Hari. Mental Hari is adult Hari and with her being obviously the oldest one here, she doesn't want to add any more troubles onto eldest bro since after all, he is so young. Mental Hari understands that and decides to hold it in so it doesn't trouble eldest bro. Basically Hari is selfless and cares about eldest bro, selfless to the point where she'll suffer again for him. Besides she's already gone through it before. It's not about solely improving the MC's lives, it's about getting more along with the brothers and it's shown here because Hari cares enough to not stress eldest bro about it. But i get what you're saying, It's irritating to see Hari ignore this. But it's only a matter of time before bros find out n do smth about it
Oct 29, 2019
Unlike other rebirth story, I'm confused what is the purpose of Hari's going back to time. She had no power to change the past and only re-experience this kind of harsh treatments for 2nd time...he had the

Poor kids. Hari experiencing abuse but can't complain bc Eugene being overworked/pressured, Erich being depressed and Caleb received injuries & trauma. She doesn't want to add stress to Eugene.

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