Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
PFT I thought it was a joke, but boy he didn't even think about her as a 'grown up' huh?
Many thanks
Aug 26, 2019
Noooo, what the heck is this, what about Johan? Was developing their relationship all for nothing? She never really fell for him? Whyyyyy? How could she not? He’s so sweet and he was like an oasis for her T-T

Why you do this stupid author!!

Sure Eugene could fall for her but how is Hari falling for him, after all this time? I admit that they get “happy end” for Eugene and Hari if they were together but that doesn’t mean that’s the only choice? Wouldn’t it be weird for the two other brothers though honestly they might just accept it for Eugene’s sake but still whyyyy? Johan still exists T-T
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
... I came here to make a request, ask for more pages (split up the chapter into smaller files) since firefox on my Galaxy S6 is incredibly picky.

But now I've seen the comments. I is sadness.
Jan 19, 2019
no not the incest route... idc if they were not blood related... They’re siblings that were raised together so PLEASE LORD NO INCEST
Jun 28, 2019
This is NOT like your own brother/sister and you falling love. Why? Because unlike the siblings you've grown up with Hari didn't come into their life till 10-12 years of age. Also what's this "this is like incest" bs? You can't almost be like incest, the thing that makes things incest is the coupling between two or more people with the same genes having a sexual relationship. Your full case falls apart by the only thing supporting it which is Hari and Eugene are NOT related.
I will take you not liking him as the male lead, sure I didn't like him either. However don't act stupid and say this is incest when its not.

To all of you making the complaint that she looks like their sister:

It's said that women fall for men like their fathers both physically and personality-wise. Pre-sexual programming occurs at a very young age and children learn about relationships 'based on the way we are treated by their primary caregivers.'

Even if women have had bad relationships with their fathers they will apparently still go for a similar type of man because they think they can 'fix it and do a better job this time around.'

The first women men fall for IS their mothers, two-thirds of men are in a relationship with someone remarkably similar to their mother.

You all grow up. Again if you just didn't like Eugene x Hari I respect that, but don't try to sound like a brat and say oH NOooO tHiS Is inCEsT. 😑
Active member
Feb 9, 2019
@gda19 in order for there to be incest it would have to be between the brothers or between the siblings shes staying with. shes not related to them so its not incest. but if you want to annoy people just go "what are you doing step bro UwU"
May 18, 2019
Lol they are not even blood related, I get that he is still her brother by law but growing up they just spent a bit of time in the same house before they got separated again

Her brother pushing himself for the sake of his siblings find solitude in her letters so I kinda get why he would at least think of her as 'special'
Jan 12, 2020
Have we seen the blond guy before? He seems to be unfamiliar with the marriage customs of the country, does that mean he's a foreigner?

Regarding this comment section, I'm in disbelief how many people didn't realize until now where this story is heading. And some people here are even calling it incest, are you sure you actually read the story and understand what the word means?
Oct 10, 2019
oh ew they better nor hinting the big bro will get together with Hari! Adopted brother is still a brother! GROSS!
Dec 20, 2019
@Amairani Then why was Erich angry that Hari was treated as a Vastia in Chapter 34? "Oh, Hari, you're not a Vastia, you're an Ernst because you're my sister-in-law. Or better yet, maybe my wife. (???)" No, I don't think that was Erich's intention.

My point isn't that Hari was a long lost sibling, my point is the story is trying to make the idea that Hari has truly been accepted into the family DESPITE originally being a random girl. They aren't kinder to her because they better tolerate her, rather that they finally accept her as part of the family (or so I thought).

Yet Hari falling in love with Eugene contradicts that, at least with him alone. You don't fall in love with siblings regardless of age. And Hari came into the family when she was seven, mind you. If you can't be family because you get adopted at SEVEN, then I feel for every orphan who get accepted later in their life.
Nov 19, 2018
Welp. I’m not into incest. Blood relation or otherwise. I guess I’ll be dropping this then.
Good day all.
Jun 2, 2020
In the beginning, it's said that Eugene doesn't want to accompany her in her wedding. Why? It's said that they're in good terms too.
I THINK that Eugene always loved her, and she probably loved him too... and that's why she returned in the past.

That's just my theory. And it's pretty normal for people doesn't shipp tho... But it makes sense
Aug 15, 2019
i get where everyone’s coming from the incest angle. however given she’s come back to the past as well her not living with her brother for several years instead living with other family actually it makes sense for change or warp her view of eugene. she looks at the blue haired kids more as her siblings then just her own brothers until after her parents accident then they all were sent away where she and cabel and her “twin” brother got closer. her family no longer included eugene.

it’s highly possible that the two of them now can’t look at each other as siblings bc of it. eugene knew from the very beginning they weren’t siblings and thus never saw her as such, probably cause he was older and understood the situation better then his younger brothers. which only is gonna make his affection worse for her when they were separated for years.

also they aren’t blood related this definitely is messy, but i wanna see how they rationalize and deal with this. maybe i’m right (and it’s the fact he was older she time traveled and the distance and inability to from a familial
relationship, and the fact they aren’t related that played into them having affection) or maybe the author is full of crap and this just going full incest route cuz they just wanted to.

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