Beware the Villainess! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Group Leader
Mar 9, 2019
You're right, the complete fitting and understandable English word 'harassing' really made the translation far too ambiguous, I just couldn't understand it at all. It's almost as if they didn't use 'bullying' since that has connotations of a schoolyard scuffle instead of a real issue between adults. Thankfully, this translation is perfectly clear at all times, as evidenced below.


Listen, it's fine if you don't speak English as a first language, but you shouldn't really be commenting on the legibility of a translation that's perfectly fine if that's the case.
Jun 21, 2019
Thank you for your hardwork!!!
Goodluck on your other projects!!!
I wish you guys the best!!!
Mar 10, 2019
Oh thank you!!! Wow actually it is a good thing that the two trans team talk privately. What a mature way to handle 👏👏👏👏. See you with your next projects 💕
Oct 24, 2019
Thank you for all of your hard work!! And also thank you for settling this maturely. Looking forward to your next projects ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 18, 2019
@miruse thank you for explaining and understanding

@Amarrez I know you understand what I mean now and that's good, I fully and perfectly know what "harassing" means, but you and I know it didn't really fit since it just made the translation too ambiguous. And as for me, I couldn't really understand the situation from the first time and there is nothing wrong with not understanding. But I guess you did understand it, so good for you, no really, good for you.

As for not speaking English as a first language part, actually, you're right. My first language is not English, but I can assure you that I can speak English so fluently and perfectly well just as someone who was born with English as a first language. And I'm not lying about that, I mean why would I? If I really didn't speak English well, I would just say it. But I do speak English perfectly fine, really, so don't worry.
Furthermore, looking back at my comment I do understand why you assumed English isn't my first language. I didn't explain what I meant that well, I guess I didn't think someone would take what I meant that far, especially without realizing that I didn't explain well enough. So pardon me for that. But at least one person did understand.

As for the last part, it's good to have your own opinion so I would like to say mine too then, with all honesty, I think that no matter how much your inability exceeds your ability you should still try. Just because someone "can't" explain what they mean in a certain language doesn't mean they're not allowed to say anything, furthermore, no one has the right to tell them not to just because of their inability, it's just the same as telling someone they can't walk anymore because of the inability a certain injury caused them in their leg. Can you imagine just how devastating that would be? I, myself, even if I imagine, would never feel the pain, depression, loss, and all the other things that would come along and would haunt this person. It may even go as far as them having mental illnesses, or they can go as far as harming themselves physically or mentally.
Words, no matter how simple they can be, are as sharp as weapons that cut through one's heart right away, and they're not easy to heal. At all.
Yea I just wanted to put this straight out there. And just to make sure, I respect your opinion just as much I respect mine.
And sure, maybe it will not be as bad as having to lose your ability to walk. But it's still bad, so so bad. Just think of how much some mere words of a "someone" can affect a person's life.

It's ok if you don't think so, but not everyone is strong. And I understand if you didn't mean to harm anyone.

Lastly, I'm not trying to start arguments nor am I mad so please read my comment calmly.
I think this comment is kind of formal but whatever lol. Also, I know it seems long but it's not that long when you say it.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
@Lilian, don't worry about it. You're entitled to your opinion and I think you're right. In terms of the prince's actions, "bullying" is the better word since it connotes a more childish intent rather than "harassing" which is much more deliberate and serious. In other words, the prince is just a dumbass childish bully who doesn't know any better, rather than a tyrant prince who's trying to torment the MC.

However, that is a minor point. I'm fine with both groups.

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