Dude, I'm almost in tears. This comic, I didn't expect much from it in the beginning when the pacing was all weird, but this is the first comic which acknowledged this, in all these Korean Manhwas, it's only the MC who is different and the other women are all garbage, they are portrayed very badly, and even in almost all these comics, they are portrayed as poor princesses waiting for their princes. Melissa and this author, I'm so happy I got to read this QAQ, in all these novels and manhwas, they just choose to accept the old age standard, but this is an amazing piece of work. We are all humans guys, is that too hard to understand? An insult to be called as a princess, cheating is normal for men and it's the woman's fault, a woman can't wield a sword.. all those preconceptions, it dealt with it so well. I LOVE this piece of work, just because of the ideals it's putting forward. Women aren't just protagonists of romance, they are protagonists of life too ^-^ All my grievances when I read those novels, they are being solved by her. This is truly amazing. I also heard that in Korea, the feminism issue is a bit weird (speaking with Joy's incident), so again, kudos to the author <3