Bimajo no Ayano-san

Apr 28, 2019
@FredFriendly And you're one of the idiots benefiting from the "thieves", your anecdotal story about people taking criticism the wrong way doesn't hold much water in a lot of the comment sections I go to where people are just complaining about raws being ahead / small mistakes/people not editing whatever. While in this case, it may seem like the kid comparison, imho the way some moderators and the community act lead to these small things blowing up, kinda like the straw and the camel :)
Even the mods reply above seems a bit out of line, especially with the "we do not condone it" while sort of...not doing anything about it / giving it from their point of view. I read the thread, I was going for more of a blanket statement in the beginning.
Go do some translations to see how much time it actually takes you.
Apr 28, 2019
@superheromoonchrome it's exactly as you say, just the mod trying to power trip / rationalize his actions when he knows he's actually in the wrong / has at least some fault in it, watch your comment get erased while the others insulting the translator don't.
Group Leader
May 25, 2018
I miss Batoto
@supermoonchrome time to remove the rose-tinted glasses m8. Batoto was over-moderated as fuck, they removed a bunch of shit all the time, things they found to lewd (with the exception of Yaoi) or to much going against the zeitgeist. MD in comparison is extremely lenient in what they allow.
An old man gave me a sharp object for my journey
Super Moderator
Mar 15, 2018
No, we do not condone personal attacks, if you see those kinds of posts, report them and we'll moderate them.
None of us claims to be omniscient and sees all that is going on everywhere on the site.

@supermoonchrome the spoiler wasn't just that, it was also telling people the narrative and the nuances of the story. I don't know about you, but I would consider that spoilers.
The fact that it's a oneshot doesn't mean that it can't be spoiled, it's still a story in it, even if it's short.

@ndrew99 how exactly are moderators in the wrong for enforcing the rules, that's literally our job.
are you claiming that, because they are scanlators, or involved in the scanlation process, they're exempt from following the rules of the site?
An old man gave me a sharp object for my journey
Super Moderator
Mar 15, 2018
They also had ads and removed all licensed content.

@supermoonchrome they were moderated because they broke our rules on personal attacks.
I respect your opinion, but you are correct in assuming that I do not agree with it. If you hadn't used a slur towards me, I wouldn't have moderated it.

For now, I will disengage in this discussion, since further talk about this might contribute in this becoming too off-topic. I was just replying to a conversation that seemed to me to lack context and had some misinformation from our point of view.
As I said above, if people resort to personal attacks or otherwise break our rules, please report it.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Go do some translations to see how much time it actually takes you.

Having cleaned, redrawn, proofread and QCd several hundred chapters of several different series, I know that in 99% of the time, it takes far less longer for the translation than to do everything else. Cleaning and re-drawing, especially full color toons, is far more labor intensive than translating (I'm talking about real translators here, not pseudo-translators using on-line translators). And how have you contributed to the online manga/manhwa community?

Can't wait until this place goes under. I miss Batoto

You do know, don't you, that some (many? most?) of the people running mangadex came from the original batoto that you miss so much? Nobody's forcing you to read your toons here so why wait? There are plenty of other websites where you can read the same toons, including
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2019
Any post that disagrees with you is a "personal attack" that you will delete.
You guys were 100% in the wrong in this situation. You can't "spoil" a one-shot, there's only one chapter! Posting about the plot of a released chapter is not a spoiler. You are insane and your other moderator ciclejerk friends are also insane
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@supermoonchrome It's plenty possible to spoil a oneshot, not exactly sure what about it having one chapter makes that suddenly impossible. If you can read someone's comment and figure out what the entire story was without having to read the story, then it's a spoiler. What part about it being one chapter makes a difference? Obviously there are details you can infer from the title or the cover of the series. No one's arguing against that fact.

If you want to post an in-depth breakdown of the chapter, you post in the chapter's comment section. It's entirely, 100%, completely reasonable for people to be reading the manga comment section before they read a series to see what kind of reactions people had. If you really want to post it in the manga section because you're having a conversation with someone, post your spoilers in a spoiler tag. That's what they exist for. Bunyan refused to follow either of those, and yet still, other than advising he use a spoiler tag or the chapter's comment section he never even received any restrictions nor was his comment moderated. Please, do keep telling me that the mods are power hungry and bullied Bunyan off the site, because that's not what happened at all. He left because he wanted it his way or no way at all.

Your comments are getting moderated because you can't hold a conversation without insulting the other side you're talking about. Even then, they still aren't "deleted" nor does it involve any actual restriction against your account besides hiding the comment from people who don't want to see things that break our site rules. If you wanted to see moderated comments, you just turn on the comment visibility setting.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2019
Why would you read the comments before reading the only chapter that exists? That's not "reasonable" as you claim, that makes zero sense.

What would you even talk about in the comments, then? There's literally nothing to talk about if you can't talk about the only chapter that exists. Your "rules" weren't designed for this situation, and instead of being flexible and reasonable, you moderators are doubling down.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@supermoonchrome You may not do it, but it's a pretty common thing people do.

> What would you even talk about in the comments, then?
You post general reactions or opinions, not your in-depth breakdown of the chapter that was just released. Steam reviews do it all the time, you can talk about things without spoiling the experience for other people. The rules were designed for this situation. Spoilers aren't going to be okay in one Manga comment section and not okay in another. That'd be even more ridiculous.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2019
It's a oneshot called "My Sister's Funeral." No reasonable person will go to the comments, see a post discussing that the sister is dead, and go "oh nooo I got spoiled!!!!! ;-;"

you are overmoderating something that doesn't need to be moderated. because you are power-tripping, as everyone can see
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
A power trip that involves absolutely no use of powers, yes, very scary lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2019
"absolutely no use of powers"
you edit, delete, and moderate people's comments for stupid reasons. that's a use of power, only moderators get to do that.


Active member
Mar 23, 2018
One of the greatest milfs of our generation. Where the hentai doujins be
Jan 31, 2018
Wow, ThePaulBunyanTrophy scanlation really prompted Mangadex to delete their releases what the fuck lmao.

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