Binetsu Kuukan - Vol. 5 Ch. 29

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Fine, I'll go and say it:
No it's not completely disgusting, depending on the perspective that shit is hot.
First you lure the lil'bro with segs, then drag the sister into a threesome.
Then again this ain't that kind of manga, well at least not yet.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Author-san did a poor job here, I didnt sympathize with her, not even for a second.
Thanks for the translation!
Never really sympathised with her.. I mean so far she's only been manipulative and trying to make him look bad and ultimately even attempt to 'rape' him at this point, instead of trying to talk to Amane like a normal human being, even if their relationship breaks afterwards that'd be the 'normal' way to go about it, but trying to ruin someone else's relationship for your own comfort is just yucky
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2018
Haven't you just had bad luck with your selection of manga? You could always read yuri/shoujo-ai. It's just that in straight manga a homosexual character will become a disruption if he/she happens to fall in love with a person from the story's main heterosexual couple. However, such a role will befall even a straight character if they carry a one-sided love for a member of the main couple. In such a role, a heterosexual character is often despicted as insufferable as well, resorting to all sorts of petty schemes. It's quite common in manga.
I don't read yuri/shoujo ai, but if they often villainize straight characters in those manga the way they do with homo (especially lesbian) characters in the selection of manga I read then that would also be wrong. Also I'd like to change my statement from "always" to "often" since I remembered a few manga where the homosexual character was portrayed in a good, or even great way.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
I like the portrayal of her failure to accept her orientation, which led to her entire mess. Her unstable tendencies to begin with just exacerbated everything.

I agree that she's been nothing but a prick, and her attempted rape was unforgivable. I think Ume-sensei did really cool in showing how she instinctively felt about sexual relations with a boy as a lesbian, though, and her own internalized homophobia is understandable for the culture she's in.

All in all, it was a great internal exposition with nothing short of fucked up results. I do wish she gets severely harsher reprimand because come on she fucking attempted rape, but seeing how this chapter is exploring her inner working, I'd personally like these consequences to come in later chapters instead of this one.

Not that it's likely to happen at all, but man can hope.
Nov 5, 2018
Damn dawg who let ume-sensei cook

Aside from that, Shit goes to downhill huh when amane accidentally spill her relatioship with naoya
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Haven't you just had bad luck with your selection of manga? You could always read yuri/shoujo-ai. It's just that in straight manga a homosexual character will become a disruption if he/she happens to fall in love with a person from the story's main heterosexual couple. However, such a role will befall even a straight character if they carry a one-sided love for a member of the main couple. In such a role, a heterosexual character is often despicted as insufferable as well, resorting to all sorts of petty schemes. It's quite common in manga.
No it's not bad luck it's just adding gay characters in stories that do not focus on them nor need them. If this was a yuri and the situation was reversed I'd be saying the same thing. This is a straight story that has a gay character for nothing but drama. She's not even her own person she's just the suffering lesbian.

As someone who hates yuri you can imagine my disdain when I see gay characters in genres that don't explicitly say it's a gay story because of my experiences with Japanese authors writing them in nonyuri stories. It's never good.
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
Are people seriously tagging the homophobia or lesbian-hater label on Ume-tentei as a writer? lmao. Check out her other works first for fucks sake.

The thesis here isn't that lesbians are crazy and full of issues. The thesis here is that Ikuno is crazy and full of issues. If you're projecting Ikuno's characterization here as a statement on an entire demographic, that's a problem on your end.
Definitely, thank you for pointing that out.

Yes, authors can write crazy ass characters. Yes those crazy ass characters can also incidently be gay characters. No, it is not a statement of the authors that all gay characters are crazy.

Holy hell, people want more homosexual representation in medias but then complain when incidentally the homosexual character doesn't have the good role.

When a male character acts like a stalker or harass someone, do people interpret that as a message that "all men are bad"? When a female character acts like a manipulative person, do people interpret that as "every woman is manipulative"? When an heterosexual acts like a terrible person, is that a message that all heteros are terrible? No. Then why do people assume that the author is homophobic if somehow a gay character is a bad character?

Yes, just like in real life there are crazy people everywhere, and yes just like in real life some of them do happen to be gay. Just having a character being gay doesn't mean the character should be perfect.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2020
Look author, all I’m saying is, this will be my favorite manga ever if next chapter starts with Naoya talking to the police (as he should)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
No it's not bad luck it's just adding gay characters in stories that do not focus on them nor need them. If this was a yuri and the situation was reversed I'd be saying the same thing. This is a straight story that has a gay character for nothing but drama. She's not even her own person she's just the suffering lesbian.
This is a drama series. It has got nothing but drama. There is the comedy tag, but clearly comedy is in single digit percentages in the author's mind when writing this. So, yeah, every single character in this series exists solely for drama.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 4, 2018
Yeah this was a chapter that escalated things in a very obtuse and uncomfortable way.

But one point of credit, as someone who has been through bad heartbreak, it can be an all consuming feeling. The black out part where you feel yourself lifting out of your body and hear the voices from far away, it brought back some painful memories.

Then she went completely psycho and tried to ride his bone, and author lost me. Well, since this went down pretty quick, i hope it resolves quick. Kinda hope Amane doesnt even find out.
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2018
Sad that one the very few chapters we get a year was used on this.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2020
Honestly, I never did like this trope of "friend of one of the people in the main couple is secretly in love with one of the people in the main couple.". It pretty much always ends up the same way in most situations, and it's usually just a distraction even when it is done more tastefully than it was done here. For as much as I do like some manga, it really does knock enjoyment points off for me regardless of what sex either character is.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
If I was supposed to feel bad for her, then the author did a terrible job, she was portrayed as a villain.
I'm pretty much never glad that someone gets rejected in manga, but this is one of the exceptions. This bitch is the embodiment of the ugliest jealousy with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Every single action she does is for herself. She tried to sexually assault the MC before realizing what she's doing halfway through, and EVEN THAT was only to further her goals. This hypocrite acted all disgusted at the idea that Naoya could've forced himself on Amane, and then tried doing the same thing to him.
After being confronted with what she's done, and being told by MC's friend that he thought she tried faking being raped, she replied "I wonder if I should have done that". Truly a piece of shit.

I don't feel a shred of sympathy for her, I was actually overjoyed seeing her face like this.
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Active member
Apr 21, 2019
I saw that coming from Ikuno-san, but her plan failed that awful because she ended up throwing up to the sole idea to do something with Nao... Sorry but that girl is lesbian to the core.
Ikuno is obsessed with Amane, she isn't just a girl finding out she's lesbian through the romantic love she feels for her best friend, that's why she acted so impulsive even though she wasn't attracted to Naoya, she just wanted to ruin what they had and get back her best friend.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2023
Look, I still think she did bad. But the fact that she is struggle over her sexual interest is actually something I can understand. At eastern countries, "gay" is a word used for insults, if u are gay or lesbian, for most adult or even teen, u are sick, weird. U are homosexual mean u cant have kids. Most parents cant accept that, they think you are mentally ill.
I cant imagine the pressure and depression one have to go through if people around rejecting your character. She didnt have anyone she cant share with and stuck.
Hope she can change for better and find someone who can understand her,

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