Bishoujo ni Natta kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.2 - Girl Online (2)

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Isn't it kinda awful the mangaka wrote a gender bender story but has an online game in the story that doesn't allow for playing opposite gender characters? (i.e. a shitty transphobic game design that should've been abandoned in the aughties)

I know it's a story contrivance so the MC can't keep the illusion up while in the virtual world, but this whole manga's plot is contrived as hell to begin with.
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
@MidnighTea well the fixed gender thing can still be done without making trans characters uncomfortable, in fact sword art online of all things has figured it out, the nerve gear can't actually detect your real gender, in fact it can't even fully scan your real body, kirito mentions early on that players have to pretty much touch themselves all over, which is how it gets certain data, however it also scans brainwaves and that is where it gets gender from, according to research transgender peoples brainwaves mimic the gender they identify as rather their biological sex, I would link a source, but I don't remember what article it was, but you could just look it up
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2019
@MidnighTea Considering that the game capped height deviance to 5cm in order not to cause adverse effects to the players, the gender lock might be a similar kind of thing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I'd argue physical sex is actually a less dramatic change than height, depending on the individual. The handwave still holds up though, I'll grudgingly concede. But whatever, they could've still said "that feature is not available yet" and I'd have been fine. I'd grumble but I wouldn't bitch about it in the comments. A story with this many contrivances can make one or two more anyway. It's not like the story isn't already a complete mess.

The shittiest part about the height thing is that it'd also be automatically invalidating of LLENN from GGO too and her own arc. You know you desperately fucked up when anything SAO-related is ahead of you.
Mar 31, 2018
Considering that this is supposed to be a VR game you can play while doing other stuff IRL, the cap on height makes a lot more sense. Imagine doing two different things in two different environments, with two significantly different heights.
Apr 24, 2019
I did not even read 1/4 of the text but still manage to understand the thing
to many text for nothing

ps i don't see why you would play a game and do something esle in the same time, and two it not like you can do it without a massive training
Try to play minecraft on a dance board and cooking at the same time, and even worst here because it's a MMO so it probably do have a PvP that would be playing dark soul and doing something esle at the same time
And for the height i don't the the probleme because you already have another, having your senses duplicated in the first place, and tuching maybe in game you are walking in a plane but IRL you do have a wall in front so now you brain need to control 2 bodys ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect

it don't make sense why not going with the play when you sleep or thing like that
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Arguing logic in a manga where people spontaneously change gender including hair length and instant body mass shifts is... I mean... really? And it's a red herring anyway because this game doesn't actually exist. This manga's universe doesn't actually exist. The author exists and they can write the story any way they want. They certainly have up to this point, considering how contrived this whole plot setup actually is to begin with.

And I don't like the decision they made.

EDIT: Snipped my self-righteous rant that was here previously, it's not on-topic and it'd just result in a flame war anyway.
Mar 6, 2019
@MidnighTea Physical sex change is quite a big deal especially since in this case, you are basically two people while using the gear. There are numerous factors that are clearly unknown if you are two human beings with drastically different hormone compositions and other factors that make the difference between a female and male at birth, so the company most likely doesn't want to risk getting people fucked over and facing massive charges. Its kinda like putting out a vaccine for a virus to cure it, to only have it bring up other problems because you didn't test it. In this case you can't test what effects it would have. Height difference isn't as significant as long as you aren't transforming from a say 4 foot height to a 7 foot height because the body parts would be too different making say walking fairly hard after going back to your normal height, also the problem with being two people with different heights at the same time. The biggest problem is you are two people.

So no, SAO and this manga are completely different and shouldn't be compared lmao. Nor is calling it transphobic really fair to the author. This is also fiction anyways because of they gender swap

Not saying the story isn't somewhat of a mess because it kinda is
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Xeli Read what I said more carefully, please. Nowhere did I say the author or even the manga necessarily are transphobic. I said that particular MMO game design practice that was common in the aughties definitely was. (to the point one Chinese MMO from the time even demanded photo proof if you wanted to roll a female character)
And I was expressing my intense discontent the author imported that design wholesale for their fictional game. That is quite a bit different from accusing them directly or indirectly of depicting or expressing transphobic views. It does bother me their outlook of gender subversion goes as far as writing TSF, but not far enough to care about the sensibilities of trans people who in real life often go to MMOs for some kind of relief. But I have no intention of accusing them of anything except contrived writing. I doubt they even thought about this all that much, which is all the more reason I wanted to put my voice out there. (best thing you can do if you feel stepped on is to shout "OUCH!")

I mean, I know they're probably never going to read this but I wanted to speak up all the same.
Mar 6, 2019
"Isn't it kinda awful the mangaka wrote a gender bender story but has an online game in the story that doesn't allow for playing opposite gender characters? (i.e. a shitty transphobic game design that should've been abandoned in the aughties)"

Is the only reason why I thought u were basically calling the author a transphobe.

The author honestly goes so much into detail on how the contact lenses work and how the whole concept works. Now I wonder how they'll use it with the double body concept. We're only "2" chapters in.
Aggregator gang
Jul 3, 2018
She is lucky

Thanks for the work, I will be always wait for next chapter
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
i'm not sure if i'm reading a gender bender or a video game isekai anymore.

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