@MrOGZ your translation is riddled with basic mistakes. You failed to understand several basic verb tenses and adverbs and as a result butchered several lines.
One joke in particular you butchered was the nurse's. In the original she keeps shouting しゃぶりてぇぇ!!
You misinterpreted this consistently as imperative (so you just translated it as "suck on them") when it's meant to be volitional (which should be "I want to suck on them", which dropout got)
Another line you took out of your ass which I don't understand was "are you gay or something"
In the original she says そっか直じゃないとだめよね which literally just means "so it's no good unless I don't do it directly", which dropout got.
And of course the last page in which your translation makes no sense and actually changes the entire meaning of the scene, and which dropout got right (with some exaggerations but the meaning is there).
I could keep going, but I just wanted to make clear your translation is riddled with errors for people who don't know. Don't pretend your translation is better when it's absolutely not.
And for the record I'm not the translator for this series, I read it raw on nico seiga, but I'm glad someone finally gave it a proper TL.