Blade Note

Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
@Cae: the worst disaster in my scale of serialisation shame. The series had everything to be amazing, but it was cut short not because of editorial pressure or anything, but because the author and artist had an irreconcilable disagreement over how the series should progress and parted ways as a consequence.
May 10, 2018
what a waste of a story. i've had such faith in the webtoon medium for years now and this was not any exception. i pray that a miracle will happen and this will continue and the author and artist make peace and continue such a wonderful story. in the meantime i will just keep rereading this for all my life.
Dec 2, 2018
WTF... Nothing was answered. Nothing was concluded. We're just left in the fucking middle of the story.

If it is the case that the author and artist split, then why doesn't the author find another artist?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@hillerj It's not necessarily that simple. Unfortunately this sort of situation can get complicated and lead to legal battles and such. Or it was even as simple as whichever one of them held the cards to be able to continue it, lost their motivation to do so from the fight about it. They're not really obligated to continue just because we wish they would. I've seen more than a few series end for nothing more than a lack of further interest in it from the creator(s).
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
It had a quick start, the motivation was clear. Bad guy killed a bunch of people and the ghosts of those people gave powers to the hero. Our MC was all business. Kill the bad guys.
I think it would have done better if it leaned in harder on some of the more classic superhero aspects and some good supporting characters should have been introduced earlier and used more.
The reporter was only introduced in the end, the tibeten girl in the middle, and the therapist wasn't seen ever again.
Still liked it though, i can guess how it would have ended myself.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 2, 2020
Are you kidding me, the godly art and story....just like that....Ended??? shit!

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