Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 17 Ch. 149 - Blessed Rain

Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2019
Look I'm not one of these "Can series xy just end already" people. In fact, I'm all for more fleshing out things but somehow I wished the series ended with their last real conversation they had back then where Seiko revealed her past. That was such a good stopping point.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 16, 2023
Look I'm not one of these "Can series xy just end already" people. In fact, I'm all for more fleshing out things but somehow I wished the series ended with their last real conversation they had back then where Seiko revealed her past. That was such a good stopping point.
The thing is, the author is known for introducing some fairly wild twists at the end - specifically of the psychological kind. So there's still the chance that this is all an extremely drawn-out build-up to that end, which is why (I presume) many readers are still holding out well past the point of what would have been a good stopping point that seemed to provide the appropriate emotional closure. But then again, there's also every chance that the whole thing ends with a whimper - an anticlimax 6 years in the making...

As a counter-point, though:
this inner dialogue of his (plus his dialogue with her before she got to the point she was when we last saw her) is the closest he can get to some closure. They seemed to both love and hate each other.
Seems to be the point of the whole story at this juncture - that love and hate are not mutually exclusive. Also makes it somewhat unlikely at this point that the author is going for his signature twist endings - something that seemed quite plausible until around half-way of the story - but was simply aiming for emotional truth and catharsis
Double-page supporter
Apr 25, 2020
I don't really understand the ppl complaining that its drawn out or they dont get it cause.... the whole manga has been like this?? All this authors manga are like this??
How have you been reading this manga for so long and somehow still think its a high action fast paced thriller? 🤔
The whole thing has been about the long psychological impact of the complicated relationship between him and his mother so why r ppl shocked that it's still about that
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
poor Sei's permanently delusional.

He's lost his dad
He's gonna lose his job
So far he has next door to zero internest in branching out socially
He's just creepily stalking his two-steps-away-from-death mother
And he's manifesting some sort of daydream of what he would like to say to her.

She really did break him. I was hoping that after her death, he would rebuild himself but so far that looks like a fat chance.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
The only thing I can see from here is that he is quasi-making peace internally. This still doesn't do anything for the physical person (the mother).

Again, I feel as if the mangaka is cutting to many corners to get to this point. I just........ don't feel satisfied with this. I'm not looking for the guy to get revenge, but this route just feels like we just skipped like 50 steps.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2019
fr these bozos got unfunny real fucking fast
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2020
I’m reading this only now but I’m so glad he could finally say what he was keeping inside, hope she finally dies :)

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