You are so busted, Yuu

Time to meet the parents.
"They're gonna fuck, right?" "At least she's living for her own sake now. Try not to think about it."
A few pages of boring misogynist tropes. Nio can't help herself even when Touko's ridiculous "I miss my sister, so I'm going to impersonate her" arc is over: The dark-haired girl is the one who gets caught off guard by a kiss, she's the one who can't take spicy food, she's the one who is scared of horror... Can she even write a story without giving in to this insane obsession with making dark-haired female characters look weak?
The attempt at high-art monologue, as usual, is ridiculous

The love scene is equally ridiculous. After Yuu has been increasingly portrayed as a lesbian adoptation of pumped up steroid machismo and Touko as the Japanese patriarchal ideal of the vulnerable and submissive obedient wife - which is a far cry from the Touko who was confident and good at everything in the start of the story (altough Nio always did her best never to show her being good at anything) - we get a love scene that looks like it's copied from a sweaty 50's US novel. I half expected Yuu to walk into the room wearing a suit and smoking a cigar

From Touko submissively asking: "I am so worthless. I would not be fit to live without you. Why do you support me when I am so weak?" and Yuu's "I will always support you. Because you are weak. And because I'm a man." to the various imagery of Touko being draped on the bed as pin-up who tries to look small and vulnerable this chapter and in a way this entire manga would have
been no different if Yuu had been a man and this had been a conservative fifties US novel.
Aaand very predictably, after the boring misogynist "save the melancholy dark-haired girl from her life" arc we get a teensy bit of happiness for the main couple and that's it. The other characters hardly even get a mention anymore. Admittedly, at least it was more than just a few pages of happiness. But it clearly confirms that this manga has been a big waste. And I certainly don't care about some series about Sayaka's past. If Nio wants to write about these characters she should drop the "dark-haired girls should be portrayed as helpless vulnerable beings" obsession and write an actual slice of life series for these characters.