Well this is... painfully cliche. This has the exact same story beats and tone as so many early 2000 series, right down to the non-committal relationship teasing that is pervasive to every chapter. Rather than be a superhero manga, like the first chapter implies, it's a rom-com masquerading as one to inflate the drama. It's like watching Spider-man, but only the parts where he fails to get together with Gwen Stacy. And the spider that bit him sticks around, just to keep biting him.
Like seriously, how contrived is it that the crown that gives them their powers prevents identity leaks by ELECTROCUTING them when the MC is willfully trying to prove his identity. It just goes to show that the author couldn't come up with an actual, organic reason for the MC not to reveal it to his (supposed) love interest, all in the name of artificially creating drama.
5/10 - I've seen this all before 15+ years ago, done better back then, and moved past it.