1. Good for me to stick to fonts closer to original. Also it's totally ok to not redraw SFX and just put the TL beside them. Not everyone has time and skill to cleanly edit.
2. I think "そうだろ, アガーテ" when used as topic opener means "Oh right" or "Oh yeah, Agathe".
3. Actually, "Corona, just drop/forget it" is okay. "It" means the topic/issue/matter/situation, like "just drop/forget about what happened earlier."
4. すっきり usually mean "refreshed" after doing an action but I get how it's kinda awkward to use here.
5. アナモグラ (Anamogura) is probably the author's fantasy name for mogura (mole). It's funny though, that ana = hole, mogura = mole, so... Hole Mole hahahaha

6. I don't think "otou-sama" is exclusively use by females. "Otou" is the most common way to address father/dad, and it's usually the suffixes that changes the level of politeness (-san, -chan, -sama) or abbreviate it as tou-chan for more cuteness. Personally, it's either Father or Otou-sama (with TLN), never mixed (Father-sama).
7. You typed "グイル (guiru)", not "ゲイル (geiru)" and so I think it's "Guile" (although pronounced as "guyl", jp sometimes change pronunciations like how Virus -> Vuirusu, ヴイルス) which means cunning, deceit, trick, etc.