Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

Jan 18, 2018
@labanina I mean... is there anything wrong with that? It would be one thing if they hadn't done anything since Chapter 44, but they've been working on the manga. They still release stuff every 2 to 7 days, which is a rate faster than the raws updating. Personally, I'd rather have a complete translation over a fast one because in the long run, it's the complete HQ translation that will matter. And while I can't speak for you or everyone, I feel like we could spend the time waiting for new manga chapters for this series by, well, reading other manga. It really isn't that hard being patient.

My thing is... why snipe? Why not help get releases out faster? Do you not like them? Did you think they were nefariously holding chapters hostage? If that was the case, we'd see more chapters from them by now. Why didn't you just ask them if they can focus on the chapter releases first, and then do the extras while we wait for the next chapter? Cause, people do actually care for those, even if you seem to not to.
Mar 22, 2019
@Koni they don't need help sitting on their asses.
They're more than a dozen of dudes who are actively falling behind the biweekly manga, because "Clean, redraw, TS & QC are such a chore" when it's clearly doable at the lower quality by just one, in a fraction of time they're taking.
Jan 18, 2018
@labanina Did they ever say that it’s such a chore? I’d like to see proof of that, if you don’t mind. Clearly there’s a reason as to why they keep doing it, then, despite it being such a chore. Also, it’s likely that they’re not spending all day doing that kind of work. People have other more important obligations, and scanlation isn’t a job that pays, yada yada.
Mar 22, 2019
@Koni this and their anon TL posting on /a/ which doesn't prove anything
TL is fastest part of the process I get that, but what the fuck are 12+ experienced scanlator dudes are doing with those chapters for months now, if not sitting on their asses?
There's no rational explanation in time-between-release difference.

It takes massively out of the fun when you want to discuss the series but everyone have already either gorged themselves on the spoilers or are rune-readers themselves, and you're just sitting there ha-ha, waiting for boreds to grace you with another hundred of twitter extra releases that are 66% TL group credit pages.
Jan 18, 2018
Ignoring that literally none of what you posted has them admit that it’s a chore...

“what the fuck are 12+ experienced scanlator dudes are doing with those chapters for months now, if not sitting on their asses?“
I dunno, things that will actually have a bigger impact on their lives? Things that may be more important to them than just scanlating manga? School? Work? The person you mentioned, along with many others, told you they have differing amounts of free time. Again, scanlating manga is more or less a hobby because it doesn’t pay.
Despite all of this, sniping might’ve been fine if they were falling too far behind or if they were translating at a snail’s pace. But... they’re not. They’re putting out stuff every 2 to 7 days, and they’re only behind by 4 chapters. There’s plenty of other series that are in worse states than this one. You can’t just discount the work that they do on the extras because you don’t like the extras or you don’t consider them to be canon.

I definitely get what you mean by that, having to wait while other people discuss. And being one of those people who spoiler tag comments as new raw chapters come out, I apologize. But if I’m gonna be honest... reading raws really isn’t hard. In this case, they’re really easy to find. I don’t know any Japanese at all, but you more or less get the gist of what’s happening from the pictures.
Wait, don’t you read the raws as well? I remember you mentioning something that happens in Chapter 50.
Mar 22, 2019
things that will actually have a bigger impact on their lives?
fair enough, then they shouldn't chimp out when called "slow, since this project isn't focal point of their lives or anything

Wait, don’t you read the raws as well?
This is me reading the raws.
Because I can't read runes, reading raws requires me to OCR every line, make sure not too many cryptoglyphs are fucked up, and then run it through MTL, listen to it in google. At this point might as well go all the way and typeset it.

Sometimes chapter TL are being posted on /a/ like for 50, sometimes they don't. It's usually not enough for the full picture of what's happening in the panels.
Sep 3, 2019
We're 46 chapters into this story, it has already been made clear, a lot of times, why they like and fell attraction for each other. But i'm still gonna give my answer, to the question "Why Yamada like Ishikawa?. They've been spending time together for months now, and every time they're together was extremely fun to her, to the point she would tell her friends about it, Ishikawa also never saw her just a cute girl or did the same annoying things that others boys did, like trying to hit on her or making sexual jokes, he always treated her with respect, and was kind. She didn't fall in love with him at first sight, but as time went time on, and she started to pass more time with him, Yamada saw more sides of Ishikawa, sides that enchanted her, and she saw as attractive. It's a felling that naturally developed as time went on. But if you all need a big moment, there's also a lot of them, what about the tissue in the library, when he ran to the station to give her bag back, when he defended Mera even though the entire class was badmouthing him and a guy was threatening to punch him in the face, when he gave her a cute drawing after the boys annoyed her, when he gave her his raincoat, when a friend of her asked for help, and he helped her, without asking for nothing in return. Ishikawa did all those things, without asking anything in return, he treated Yamada as he treated any other person, he just was nice to her, because he though that was the right thing to do, never having second intentions. And in a world, where a lot of other guys, just see her as the extremely hot model, this is something she seems as especial . What more reasons does she needs to like him? Some people can say, "but well he's small, and have mean eyes, and i think this unattractive. So she shouldn't like him", but this is your vision, this is your idea of beauty. Yamada thinks Ichikawa is good looking, and besides that, can we really judge another person idea of beauty? At end of the day, everyone has a different taste, some people like muscular guys, others like tiny woman's, others just doesn't like anything.
And this is a manga, it doesn't need to be realistic. Besides that, what even is "realistic"? Are we basing this on my experience with reality or on yours?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2019
Here I thought it was a crazy chapter only to realize it's googooga snipe brapppp prfft

Apr 22, 2023
@labaninaPlease explain to me why she wants him to be more than a friend.
Women like men for all sorts of reasons. I sometimes see couples that make me ask myself: Why on earth did that girl choose him of all people? There is no answer. She just did. Something clicked in her head and she decided: “I want to be with him.”

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