Yep the most shojo manga cliche move - "I'm gonna make you my girlfriend so other guy won't shatch you bcs I see that you like him, not me". And here it was made in the worst possible way. Manga started with interested "non cliche" kinda way - gloomy girl who not in love but a fan, popular guy, who interested in this girl, and he is not typical "prince", that looks down on girl. And then come this dark vibe like stalker, obsessed, destroying lifes, friendships....
But than - worst thing happened - author reveal this to the characters aaaand - nothing happened, they forgive him, and the next idiotic move - female MC, knowing, that he was the core of her problem, that he ruined her friendship, been blackmailed to become his girlfriend so he won't ruin male MC life?
It's not romance, it's not realistic in no way - it's just crap writing. Just try to wear this situation on your life experience- and you realize that this is just some boring noncence.
Since after they forgive him and kinda invite in the circle, this manga from "wow something fresh and interesting" dropped to the "wtf is this stupid crap".
Why am I reading? As I said - I'm here from chapter one and was hooked up by what i write earlier. But last few chapters was total disappointment, but I'm not quick to judge and drop something after 1 or 2 bad chapters. So I'm just giving a chance, hoping that author could lead it in the interesting direction after all. But - I already notice for myself, that it's not interesting, like it was at the beginning. So, as I said - few more cliche chapters like that - and its go to "dropped .