Bokutachi ga Yarimashita - Vol. 9 Ch. 87 - If That Day Comes

Active member
Feb 12, 2018
“It is pleasant, when on the vast sea the winds are stirring up
the water, to look at the great misfortune of another person
from the land; not because it is pleasant to rejoice in
another man’s troubles, but because it is a relief to
comprehend what types of evils from which you yourself
have been spared. It is pleasant indeed to look upon great
battles in war being carried out on the battlefield,
the dangers of which you have no part in. “

That was the philosopher Lucretius, reflecting on the pleasure of watching shipwrecked men struggle and drown from a great distance. Tobio’s glee when watching the fire engulf the other students is disturbing but also human. The manga suggests that as the distance between him and his victims was reduced his capacity for guilt and his humanity grew. But just as the dead cannot be brought back to life, his guilt cannot be tidily assuaged. He has to keep living from one day to the next, riding out the highs and the pangs of remorse, just as the families of the deceased will have to get by without their children. The author never suggests that these two groups are morally equivalent; what he is saying is that for everyone, life must go on.
Jan 19, 2018
The comment section of this chapter taught me more life philosophy than I ever got in my whole life, cheers y'all😊
Aggregator gang
May 10, 2018
thanks for the scans.
i dont know what to think, there was so much positive imagery next to absoltue hellish ones.
Nov 14, 2018
Man, I thought he's gonna get Isekai'd, then we'll get an Isekai Spin-off, maybe "Bokutachi ga Isekaishita"? Jokes aside, thank you Nuwang for all of your hard work, really appreciate it, keep up the good job!
Jan 19, 2018
People are completely missing the point. This series is about guilt, not about the MC getting his happy ending.

The last chapter is telling you Tobio's suffering is endless. Whenever he feels some kind of happiness, he will always remember the incident.
It's not like what Paisen said convinced Tobio to keep going. It's more like Tobio deceiving himself and clinging to whatever Paisen said to find a excuse so he could stay alive. Proof is: Tobio isn't even doing anything new like Paisen, he is just living. That's why, at first glance, Paisen's words look meaningless to us as readers.

And things were supposed to be bearable, until Tobio met that survivor. Then when he met his baby:
"When I can't bear it anymore, at that point, I'd just be better off dead, right?" -> Tobio decided he is going to kill himself anyway. He doesn't know when, but now he's strongly sure he's going to commit suicide sooner or later.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
That's some good shit. The ending is happy (overall) but not happy for the MC. He doesnt get what he wants, and his life is haunted by his past mistake.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@ZombiesAreNotOkay I think people did get that, but the problem is...that the point the manga has made ever since the beginning.

It doesn't offer a resolution. It doesn't feel like the mangaka was trying to tell the readers something beyond what was established in the first few arcs.
I think the previous chapter would've sent a more interesting message if it was the last.
Apr 29, 2018
It was a nice ride. Good closure imo - he will be forever stuck in limbo and drop dead at some point. Makes me want to re-read Oyasumi Punpun, but my heart probably can't take it.


Apr 30, 2018
Thanks for the hard work. Certainly not your average manga; spanned a million genres at breakneck pace without derailing, developed complex characters with actions befitting personalities, and imho a decent ending by manga standards.

I don't take the ending to be as grim as most here, for sure MC is working through guilt, but he seems to be through the worst of it and ultimately that's what makes him seem human. Maru and to a lesser extent Isami might not be as traumatised as Tobio and Paisen, but at least the latter take some ownership and responsibility for their actions.
Fed-Kun's army
May 29, 2018
Thank you Nuwang for your work, and everyone else for reading and commenting with me. It's been fun.
@basil_basalt good point there, his amazement combined with malevolence and later guilt, made him hate himself. He was beaten as well, fueling his rage. He wanted it, he did nothing to stop it, it happened.
Few people today learn how to tackle issues about killing, unlike in ye olde days when men were killing each other en-masse.
Back then, that was also the norm. But Tobio's actions took him far away from what he wanted, a normal life. And whenever he feels that sense of "normality" the event, and his feelings will terrorize him for it.
"You're not normal. You're a cold-blooded killer."

Paisen killed his brother in an act of desperation, and served 10 years for it. As down as he is, he's probably not burdened by the same thoughts of guilt as Tobio.

@gormadoc God bless
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you for your work, It was a really wild ride. This was a really great manga that I'll certainly read again sometime in the future when I have another perspective on life.
Jan 18, 2018
An emotional rollercoaster right here. The ending isn't anything satisfying, but I think that's because it betrays those happy expectations some might want for Tobio and Renka. Renka, especially. Without Renka we probably would have less of an appetite to for seeing Tobio have his good ending. Personally, I think the ending is somewhat fitting, even if its execution is off. Guy suffers from PTSD, but gets denied his journey for penance. Guy can't get penance from a legal standpoint, so he sabotages the future he could have gained because of the bombing incident. Ten years later, he's tries to repress these memories by leading an ordinary life far from his extraordinary circumstances.

It just does not work.

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