This girl is a pure feminist heroine. She knows writers are fucked up nutcases who want all dark-haired female characters to be weak and melancholy. And she knows she and the MC are almost guaranteed to end up together
So she's using the time she has while the mangaka is allowing her to "seem" strong and able to follow her own path in life to model this guy into her ideal boyfriend, so that by the time the mangaka "deconstructs" her strength and "reveals" her "true self" she hasn't got some self-satisfied shmuck lording it over her (and calling her fragile and other words you like to hear from your lover only if you're completely mad) like most dark-haired "heroines" (victims) of romantic teen drama's, but a guy who's halfway decent and worth your time

Bad news that this getting continued. We really need mangaka's to stop writing the same stories over and over again.