Bougyaku no Kokekko

Apr 5, 2019
It's pretty bad, I would not recommend it. The premise was funny for 3 or 4 chapters, then it was just meh. There's no character development worth mentioning, the only character with some form of development is wasted and sidelined all the time.
MC is so average that even a cookie cutter could make a more appealing MC.

The art is cool, and the idea is fun, the execution was bad, a pity, because the author wasn't scare on killing off characters and putting the main cast in constant peril that that felt that could ended up with any of them dead.

I might give a chance to something else by Suzaki.
Oct 17, 2020
The premise had potential, but unfortunately fell flat. The differing art styles between characters of different ages is jarring when you first start reading and it somehow never gets better. I honestly got kinda tired of this manga halfway through due to idiotic choices from characters and over reliance on gore to attempt to shock and scare. The buildup to the mystery of why this catastrophe is happening felt agonizingly long only to rush through the climax in about three or so chapters. The last few chapters left me feeling empty and with more questions than answers. I really could not recommend this to anyone unless you are looking for a laugh from the absurdity of the first few chapters. Take it from someone who read the whole thing, you probably shouldn't.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
i have never seen a lower rating in my life
idk imma read it cuz gORE
Aug 25, 2020
I regret reading this. Not even so bad it's good. Normally I don't believe a lot of the md comments but man it is not an exaggeration.

Only a couple characters seem to have any sanity and MC is just plain stupid at times. His idealism is nice and all but he seems to flip flop quite a bit that's jarring.

Wish I could get the couple hours back
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
it's rlly...disturbing
but it's not that bad
not a 10/10 but not a 1/10 either
i'd say 5, 6 or 7/10??
why are so many ppl hating on it-

i mean it is kinda unrealistic
ppl who like gorey and cringey things mixed together might like this i guess
the gore is nice rlly
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
fuck 15 days and i still can't get some of the disturbing shit out of my mind
like that girl in the beginning just-

Mar 23, 2019
I've read a lot of manga. And and awful lot of BAD manga. But this one might be one of the worst I've ever read in my life
I had some honest laughs at some plots and events
The number of incoherences is so high it can't see Earth anymore
The characters are all Stupid Good alignment, and the only pseudo-realistic one is hated by the others for saving their lives
It's the first time I rate a manga 1 on this site, and for that I am truly grateful. What a wild ride it was
Sep 23, 2019
This could have been a good manga the only issue I saw throughout the series is the rushed storyline. Due to rushing the plot to its end there was not enough time for buildup at all on the reason behind the each character's motives. I would have given this a decent 8 even thought there are so much plot hole however with that kind of ending the I could only give it 4 or 5 if I'm being generous.
Aug 20, 2020
Really like the mc on this one. The story is a meh but it's still good. - 7/10
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Glad to finally have finished this shit show of a manga, not to discredit the mangaka cause currently I couldn’t draw those panels so of course it still takes some skill in that regard, but from a criticism stand point um yeah… pretty bad, but still good on the mangaka for publishing something they wanted too

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