If that was your attempt at a pun...
It is... quite a bad one. Go home. We won't be seeing you out 😅
@Vasqueztion I agree with you on many things but by now, you should realize that when someone loses an arm, that arm comes back.
@Angibot Good question. Its possible with the feet (as I am pretty sure assassins also need body flexibility) but the execution is too quick and smooth. Its like the difference between cutting butter and Deadpool's painful exhibition when he got handcuffed by Collossus.
On a side note, how come I never see anyone ask how does Roronoa Zoro cut anything at all, with the sword in his mouth. There isn't much swinging you can do with your neck.
@MarceloYuri Yep. That's my sign to drop this. I am allergic to "lack of common sense" these days. Even fantasy stories need a set of logic/common sense/rules to follow or become crappy. Keeping the assassin alive/not letting other villains die may be ridiculous but at least it follows the general set personality of the main character.
Easily cutting off your hands, laugh about it evilly and then NOT dying of blood loss before somehow obtaining proper treatment? That's too far.