@SotiCoto Depends on who and where you are talking about. For instance, press in a country ruled by a dictator are just a tool to manipulate public opinion. A magazine that focuses on "what's that celeb do'n now?" is all paparazzi and just cares about interesting rumors and pay a high price on pictures. A local station will just state what is happening with out opinion like weather forecast, recent arrests/murders, ect. Larger stations are a brand that focus on topics that would interest their readers/watchers. Some are clearly more politically biases than others.
My original point is that there are those that are "paparazzi". Ppl with cameras that just want a reaction or snap of celebs and politicians so they can sell at high price to the highest bidder. And there are "reporters" that ask questions ppl want to know, take meticulous notes, do there research, and form that into an article. However that forms would depend on what they gathered and if it is credible enough to print for their paper.