Boukensha License wo Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei wo Oukasuru - Vol. 3 Ch. 10.1

Sep 29, 2018
This manga makes no sense, this woman is nuts. And the first major thing that don't make is why the hell is a little girl doing in a brothel among prostitutes. That's some good quality parenting hes doing eh. I know they're good girls and such but still. It's not a damn place for children.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@Merilirem I agree with you, the comments have been super toxic for this arc cause people cant seem to understand her at all, shows to me that they got more issues to worry about then her LOL

@WillLi "Right now people feel that this character serves no point to the actual story other than to hate on the MC. She is not real, her trauma isn't real either, it was a choice by the author. That's why people can call it toxic, because she isn't real, and so far has done nothing but be a bitch. Yes she's realistic to some extent, but she's not a real person who suffered an unfortunate circumstance, she's a creation by the author."

I feel thats the problem tho, she isn't real her trauma isnt real so why sympathize with her, that to me is the readers problem, its a Story that they should sympathize with her but they arent willing to and they are making the story worse for themselves like the fact you say that people feel that this char serves no purpose to the actual story but they forget that HE IS TRAVELING around AND that this arc is connected to a past arc, like man I dont understand that they feel that she serves no purpose to the story then what about those group of adventures he saved from the big dragon you could also say they served no purpose cause MC couldve just walked around and killed it solo hence no purpose.....IMO this arc actually has a purpose aka the arc before but its funny people complaining when this arc isnt even over haha
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@greatninja3 firstly, pretty sure all those things you listed, someone has complained about each one. You just never saw it. But also all of those things, at least move the story, this doesn't, or at least hasn't yet. Now as for the first part of your post, all of that honestly is meaningless to the discussion. Because when you get down to it, it doesn't really matter if you can justify how she is acting. Because the irritant is not "why do people turn out like this?" it's "Why is she in the story?" And no matter how much you justify her as well, not everyone is going to sympathize with her. Because some people just don't understand trauma, or experience trauma differently. It doesn't make them a sociopath or psychopath. Because objectively speaking her behavior -is- bad. The only question is can she be forgiven, and that is a matter of personal values, and for some people, she's gone beyond the 'free pass' that trauma gives.

also @tip390 makes a great point about how her situation would be the same (or worse as I put in my last post) so even if she's traumatized, at worse the MC is neutral to her case, but is being treated with hostility, not aversion. He didn't even bring up who he was, the other girls did, so it's not like he's showing off.

Peopel are so busy defending the girl with saying she's traumatized, you're forgetting that she is verbally abusing and slandering the MC who by no means deserves it. At what point do we consider how she is damaging a sincere and innocent person? Trauma or not, we can't just act like she exist in a vacuum where only her problems matter. Even in real life there are cases of people breaking down from receiving hostility for good deeds, when they didn't even want a thank you in return, so we can't say what she's doing is harmless.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@tip390 people are mad at her because they don't freaking understand trauma, just that fact that you and quite a few others are saying,"trauma or no trauma, she is wrong", shows that you guys knows little about trauma.
You guys are always too invested to the MCs of the stories that you forget that other points of view exists.

"Afterwards, she then goes to blame the MC for being "too late", like after saving money all that time she would have bought her freedom,been broke, and still reach the EXACT same conclusion but be worse off because of it."

You want to know what's wrong with this argument? This is the point of view of someone who has never experienced a despairing situation in which you have no one to help you out of, but your own self. When you're left alone for too long, your misery and loneliness turns into aversion of others, she's so used to people ignoring her plight that she doesn't want people to help her anymore, to help her now after all her suffering, is the same as humiliating her.

You were holding strong for so long, trying to solve your own problems and almost acchieving that, when someone else uninvited solves all your problems for you, this is the same as having someone call you an incompetent, a failure. Her reaction is anything but illogical.

Rather, people hating her are the ones being illogical, because they cannot relate to her experiences as they are too busy thinking about "her profit" or how the MC saved her so she should be grateful and not lash out at him.

Have you ever read a story in which the MC will try to help someone, but another character stops him and tells him to not be so irresnponsible?
Most people I know cannot understand why this character says this, but this entire situation here is an example of that. When you try to help someone who didn't really ask your help, you are actually causing them more suffering than helping. Of course, not everyone will have this kind of reaction, but some people NEED to solve their own problems themselves, solving a hard problem can be a relief to some people, an acchievement that will give them strengh to continue, when you rob them of this acchievement it's the same thing as pulling the rug under their foot. Not only that, helping people irresponsibly will not allow those people to have a better life, if you give someone food one day, you'll only solve that day's problem, the guy will once again fell hungry the following day but you won't be there to help him.

This is the main reason why I always try to ask people to stop using relatability as a way to understand a story or character. When you use relatability you close yourself to other points of view, it becomes way too easy to ignore other character's plights and misjudge them as villains or traitors. There's something called imagination, and this is what you should be using when reading a book or manga, this together with logical thinking and empathy will allow you to read a book with way more details, allow you to change points of view between characters and reach a conclusion that is closer to the truth, than just keeping your vision biased though MC lenses.
The whole argument "this is just fiction, she is not a real character" cannot be a more harmful way of thinking when reading a book, the magic of a book is that it's wrold and all charcters that live in it are alive and they need to evolve. When you choose a pov, read following that pov while comparing it to your own experiences, this is a problem because other people reading the same book have differnent experiences that are actually closer to other characters, and they too will have their own bias. Now, when you read freely, while asking yourself why is it that each character reacts the way they do? You then start looking at info you'd usually ignore, and the actions of certain characters finally starts making sense, all of a sudden there'll be no more, "I just want this arc to end" or "this development is boring"(of course when it's due to bad writing then yes, you are right for wanting to skip things), you'll treat secondary characters with more respect and find some reason for them to exist within the plot.

Anyway sorry for the rant, but this is neither the first, not the second time I see people misjudging a character so badly. It got a bit hard to ignore.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Sorry for double post
@dokidoki there are two main reasons your logic falls apart. First, it's the authors job to make the character's something that people can sympathize with. It's not the reader's job. And honestly, from a literary perspective, the author failed with that. She was -introduced- as annoying. There is literally no reason to sympathize with her or even like her other than what was revealed this chapter, and that's literally 'playing the sympathy card' that's bad writing. The author should've made her more endearing before she turned on the MC, then people would have something other than her bad behavior to latch on to. The second problem with your logic is that she doesn't need to exist for this ark to happen. They could've easily done the brothel without her, and if they had to connect it to the past arc (which they don't because like you say the MC is traveling, so episodic format is fine) they could've easily written the arc with someone who was foolish but grateful and I doubt any story points will really change.

And the other adventuers they served a purpose in the end yes, but before they served their purpose, I bet people were complaining about them too for being "unneeded assholes" You're acting like this girl is the only person people ever complained about. (though she's the loudest cause she's been annoying the longest in this manga)

Also do not confuse this arc with her. She has literally nothing to do with this arc so far. The person who told her backstory is the focus of this arc, not her. You can literally erase this girl and this arc could still happen. If this girl has an 'arc' is technically hasn't started yet or is literally just starting with this chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
For an experienced "veteran", MC sure has amateurish reactions.
Active member
Feb 1, 2018
Each and every chapter I'm more and more astonished by the amount of commentators who not only seem to have never experienced any hardship, but aren't even willing to try and understand the suffering of those less privileged than them. I guess it's how people like Salvini, Trump or Bolsonaro got in position of power...
Mar 14, 2019
my issue is having the child around at a whore house and hearing conversations which she shouldn't
Jun 11, 2018
Damn that girl is annoying beyond words and the MC is being overly permissive. So far, she has been implying the he should have let the trafficker continue his business so she could prove that she was able to buy her own freedom and is angry at the MC for helping her without asking him to do that. First, he didn’t help “her”, he helped his daughter and the kids in the orphanage, anything else is just side effects, he didn’t even know she existed at that point. Second, now he also wasn’t trying to help “her” but the dude working from the brothel and later on that changed to trying to help his daughter have some peace of mind.

And staying in-universe I bet selling kids is pretty common there, so she isn’t the only one going through that, heck probably half the girls in that brothel were also sold in a similar way. MC should just tell her to shup up, finish his 5-day work, and move on. It isn’t his fault nor his responsibility to help her, and he never has specifically tried to help her so far so here doesn’t apply the old “don’t help people who don’t ask for help”.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
@anotherone - Go away with your soapboxing and goofy political bullshit.
Wow, you're such a good person who truly "gets it". How enlightened! Feel better now? Did you get the dopamine rush you were looking for by flexing how morally superior you feel you are? Good. Keep your 'I treat politics like sports and pick a team' crap to yourself.

Ugh... There's always one lurking around just waiting for the moment they can pop-up and try to inject their beliefs onto others.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@WillLi thats where your wrong tho, I and others could sympathize with her so that means author did his job somewhat correct hence the people complaining are the ones in the wrong to some degree
2nd I already understand that the arc isnt about her tho she's a big part in it but the arc ATM is about those goons and solving the problem tho I doubt that the goons will even be the true REAL problem that the author will bring in the last min, I think the problem is that ALOT of people in the comments arent willing to wait a second and think about why she's acting that way and try to sympathize with her, just the fact that ALOT of people are like I dont understand why she's mad at MC when this chapter tells you why I mean MC even says it LOL in reality I feel like people just need to chill a second and think about stuff

also I'm not expecting god tier writing in this so I'm surprised if other people think that way with the author
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
@Eldwin not that I disagree with your sentiment, it is quite silly for people to write so much about a manga that isn't even one of the better series of its genre. But then I think back to the fact that there are grown ass men arguing for hours on end about calcs for shounen battles, I can't help but laugh. This debate about the quality of a story and ethics of PTSD is much more cute and reasonable than something like what those invested die-hard battle fans do. It is quite a hilarious thing to think about in retrospect lol
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
What cheap try at pulling heart's strings... Also, WHY THE FUCK IS SHE PISSED AT HIM!? HOW THE FLYING FUCK HIM SAVING CHILDREN HAS TO DO WITH HER!? Just because she got free sooner? What kind of logic is that? Is it like one of those "I don't work here" from reddit? Where you say something and the other person simply cannot comprehend what that means? "Well, you stopped the human traffic and saved those kids, but it is OBVIOUS you did so to save me, a random girl you meet once."
This was just a cheap shitty try to make we feel sorry...

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