@Psychronia Yes, altruism, or rather pseudo-altruism can be arrogant, even if the end result is positive. "White male savior syndrom" or Christian charity are good example of this.
In both cases, for lots of people, their generosity/actions are more driven by their own sense of self than by consideration for others. Those people think they're superior because of their privileges and have a duty to help those they see as lesser than them.
Is it cooler that rich and egotistical assholes who only think of themselves (hi Trump)? Yeah, of course it is. After all, they DO help. But their reasoning is demeaning and their acts are mostly self-serving ("I'm a good Christian and my actions lead me to paradise, so now I can continue being judgmental and shit").
@xPureHavock Because humans are rational creatures, right? 🤣🤣🤣
We could argue that the MC never acts rationally either, you know (like almost all MC).