Maaaann. Feeling really bad for Nagi. In the end, she's just an ordinary girl struck by heavy misfortune who only doesn't want to be alone, if Esemori's words about Nagi smiling a bit like a happy child after hearing that, then it means she just wants to be loved.
Nice to see Esemori finally leaving his abyss and owning up to his previous mistakes, finally accepting his feelings for Yuko and his death wish and realizing telling Nagi to live was such an irresponsible favor considering she went to do those J-Gravure since she was a child to survive after being abandoned. Hope this gives Reiji a new reason to dive back the surface before his tail ends rotting itself. At least he is aware Kazumasa must be better far from the Kuroses, he was shining with life, and Reiji found unfair to keep him strung to that abyss if a house. His words conveyed a terminal feeling tho. It's like he was announcing he was going to kill himself.
I wonder how tf did Yuri manage to get her parents give Yuri their house. Even if the reselling value was too low and the Shibasawas could afford paying the new apart rent and the old house's mortgage, they forgot Yuri MUST leave that town if she doesn't want to face effective jailtime for her crimes because she's to wait for her trial in the court. Anyways, whatever Yuri intends to do with the house may be something criminal, as she considers Nagi as a lost cause and a danger to anyone who's around her. Is she gonna kill her?? Reiji must get back on his feet and realize Esemori's wishes are also what he wants too: to know Nagi better and run from that town.
Anyways, the official twitter announced the vol. 15 release saying the story is on its endgame. Wait... so are we in the endgame since halfway this year?? So, Yuri in the end became this series' final boss. Yuko was being sided as a matter for Esemori.