Boy's Abyss - Vol. 5 Ch. 39 - Lifeline

Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2018
I don't understand. These should be some nerve wracking or horrific scenarios, so why can't I stop laughing?


Reiji truly is the abyss
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
Sensei finally snapped but damn did she hit him too I don't think she did or did she actually do what he asked and go back to being his sensei at school? And man when he called her yuri her eyes went back to normal them right back to dead eyes 😳
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2019
MC can't escape from that yandere anymore. Let's just try to enjoy that fucking messed situation..
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2019
This boy has never dealt with a yandere before clearly, I'm assuming Sensei is gonna do something really fucked up now that the strings of sanity holding her mind together have been completely severed, she might really try to kill Chako or kidnap Rei
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2020
Well...he wanted to suicide no?
Reject a yandere is a free ticket to that I suppose
Oct 26, 2019
Ohhh wrong move sensei

Btw, holyshit MC get rid of the fat, its not healty for you
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
Instead of just a suicide, I'm becoming convinced that this will end on a murder-suicide instead.

@Beatrice I don't know. Her face in that panel where she's smacking the car horn while shouting is pretty hilarious to me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I've been waiting for this update for forever @Richman

The first interesting thing I would like to point out is that Yuri is very clearly trying to isolate him from his friends and family. Whilst Rei seems to be trying to make it so she interacts with his home life as little as possible for obvious reasons, yet, despite only ever meeting his mother, she's never actually set foot in his house or interacted with his family. Considering this, when she tells him she thinks that she thinks his family is his enemy and the town at large, it indicates she wants to isolate him from everyone close to home, which is common predator/abusive behavior.

Paired with the mood swings and the fact she rapidly oscillates between a calm facade, anger and saddness, mixed with this constant accusatory tone throughout. She's willing to blame everyone but herself or to take any responsibility. Notice how when she's "calm" she uses a lot of "I" statements, such as "I am...," "I'm sure that...," etc, but when she's upset she immediately switches to using "you" a lot to put the blame on Reiji and try to contrast herself against him. There's a certain underlying irony in that she says that she knows what's best for him, and that she wants him to have freedom, but yet wants to make it so he can't see his friends and family. The most ironic line of all of them is when she tells him that "she knows where the line is," given she slept with an emotionally unstable and extremely vulnerable kid when he had just attempted suicide and now is trying to make him get into a relationship with her, which very clearly crosses the line. Even more, she tries to gaslight him when she says that Chako was laughing or that Chako isn't his type because she's frantic to win him over and get him to disassociate with everyone close.

Reiji's already been broken, essentially, and is not only on the verge of a panic attack when she honks her horn, but like he's physically going to be sick. The fact he tells her to leave him alone and that he asks Chako not to try and save him, but that her not to worry. It's clear Rei doesn't value himself, and that he views himself as lesser than everyone else, which is part of the reason I think he wants to disassociation with Miss Shiba because he probably blames himself for what she's become and thinks that everyone he comes in contact with or shows his vulnerabilities to becomes like this, which is why he has a similar stunned reaction to his mother.

On a good continuity note, Reiji's still got the slap mark on the side of his face from last chapter. Also note that the lack of reflection in her eyes, which is similar to how she reacts to Chako. Also given the timeline of Chako's message to Rei, where she messages him about every two minutes, we can assume this all happened very quickly, which is interesting in its own right



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