Boy's Abyss - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Criminal

Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Brainy play from sensei here. Put Chako in a bind, have Rei approach her for money, put both kids in debt and have Rei pay her back with his body. Too bad she didn't predict the possibility that Chako might kill herself to keep Rei safe.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
ok ngl the teacher kinda hot playing ping pong lmao

but still rooting for chako!! even if you don't end up with reiji, please be okay in the end. i want the two of them to be okay ; _ ;
Double-page supporter
Dec 30, 2018
Here's a better ending: Everyone learns how to take care of their own problems without depending on, and pushing their dramas onto their acquaintances. Taking responsibility for their words, actions and getting some agency is how these characters will really get out of this spiral. "I need X." "Save me Y." "I can only be with Z to escape this hell." is the mentality that closes the doors to personal growth. Reiji is slowly learning that. He doesn't need Chako, he just needs to face himself and grow some confidence. And the reverse should be true.
Nov 4, 2019
sensei is the only one who gets things done in this entire manga except for maybe the writer guy, she is undoubtedly hot too, so best girl
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2019
@auodere the teacher is pretty hot. Full stop. But especially when playing ping pong
tfw no hot yandere teacher gf
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
Teacher going to jail. I'll call next chapter the mc will go to the police to rat out the teacher and then he and chako will make up a story that the reason they went to the manga cafe is because they don't feel safe discussing about what the teacher did to him in public
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2020
Those that think that teacher is going to face repercussions for her actions need to read himegoto and see that when Ryo wants someone to get away with soul murder they do without any semblance or shape of karmic retribution.

Besides sensei is turning this into a cash cow with reprints of earlier volumes and the like, I'm not saying that Chako deserved even a fraction of what has happened to her but poor girl, she talked the talk but broke her legs trying to walk.
Active member
Dec 9, 2018
SHIT! Sensei is the best! Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators can't wait for the next update.
Oct 12, 2020
Sensei's not my favorite (that's Nagi) but she's definitely the best girl. Every page of her is gold and she is constantly moving herself and the plot forward. She's so morally corrupt but you can tell it's a result of unfair expectations and isolation that's built up over an unfulfilled adolescence. She really believes it's natural and wants to guide Reiji while unaware of her own toxicity. An entertaining and well-written character.

Meanwhile I have no sympathy left for Chako. She's been in the same rut for dozens of chapters and doesn't seem to progress at all. She didn't deserve that beatdown but she threw hands first.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
Hmmm well sensei is definitely crazy and it's messed up she told on chako but in a way she kinda deserved it a little but of course people are gonna forget chako tried to make him have sex with her. Wonder what reiji will do I guess he won't focus on nagi anymore and help chako right probably call the cops on sensei.
Sep 11, 2020
I hate seeing people support sensei, like, do you guys not see how absolutely fucked she is??? Sure chako is a bit boring but at least she's reiji's age and they could actually make a future together ya know?

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