Boy's Abyss - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Criminal

Oct 12, 2020
@hanpt2 My man, I would be surprised if anyone who has read this far is still on the ride for morals. People want to be entertained and as it turns out, a good/fun character is preferable to a good/boring person.

@Miv If I was going by appearances, then Nagi and Mom would be best girl. Sensei has become the driving force of this story and primary source of conflict. Chako has arguably regressed.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2018
in a deep dark part of my mind, I think the author will lead Chako to suicide.

she has been drownded by the weight, desperate to escape and whose only hope now is Reiji.

Reiji atm has the thought of wanting to chase after Nagi. All it takes is him going to Tokyo for a day and Chako finding out about it for her to be completely crushed, she is also knows about the suicide spot so she will reinact it.

The drowning imagery is there, just about everything is in place. The author might kill just kill Chako
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2018
Get fucked Chakofags, you lot are so fucking insufferable and she's an obnoxious whiny brat.

Sensei and Nagi ftw.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
Here's a better ending: Everyone learns how to take care of their own problems without depending on, and pushing their dramas onto their acquaintances. Taking responsibility for their words, actions and getting some agency is how these characters will really get out of this spiral.
The majority of the these people are suffering from mental illnesses/problems (depression, anxiety, delusional suicidal, etc). If you know anything about mental illnesses, you know you just can't toughing it out and deal with it all by yourself for "personal growth". When you're rock bottom like so many of these characters, wagging your finger and saying take "responsibility" or "agency" is both counterintuitive and toxic. Of course we want people to take responsibility and have agency, but when you're suicidal or have depression it's incredible difficult and for most impossible to help themselves let alone ask others for help.

This is why it's important to extend your hand to people who suffer these mental illnesses and give understanding, compassion and support. These people require medical, family, and friend support in order for them be able have the will to live, let alone to care and take "responsibility" of their life. If you have ever know anyone or personal suffer from mental illnesses, you know it's something you can't fix yourself and require the support and help from others.

Chako is extend her hand and asking for help. Reaching back to that hand is the first step in getting better for both her and the MC. Recovery is not a road of solitude as you might think.

Also, "dramas" is not the same as mental illnesses FYI (I don't think you were trying to say that but just in case)
Jul 9, 2018
Chako BTFO
Her true fucking colors are open for all to see. You can all re-read back since the first chapter to see how much of a shallow and selfish person she is. From instantly dropping Nagi once she knew her "idol" graduated and to "find a new one to root for", never actually cared about Reiji because it's not "her problem", shit-talking Teach behind the scenes and the final page of this chapter showed how Reiji is only a ticket to get out of town for her.
Oct 12, 2020
@_thestranger_"The majority of the these people are suffering from mental illnesses/problems (depression, anxiety, delusional suicidal, etc). "

Not him, and I agree with you to an extent. I'm sure you're aware of this but I'll say it anyway. People with mal-adaptive behaviors shouldn't mix because of codependence. That's exactly what this story is about: characters who are over-reliant on specific individuals and obsess over them, leading to unhealthy outcomes. Reiji rejected Chako's hand because he is fully aware of the inequality and dangers that comes with the package of 'being saved' - That's what Yuri did to him. You also don't place two suicidal kids together and think anything will come of it - that's how you get Reiji and Nagi.

Chako is not equipped to help Reiji . Nobody in this manga is. On the other foot, Reiji is only problematic for Chako and everyone else's development. The recurring theme in this manga is that he drives everyone around him to ruin. Unless Reiji discovers this for himself, it won't end well. I think you're right that they need someone though. But holy shit, it has to be someone who knows what they're doing and has the resources to help. That could have been Yuri but that ship sailed a looooong time ago.
Group Leader
May 11, 2020
Damn the Childhood Friend didnt deserve that and the MC should of know the true because she did told him before for what she is 😆


Apr 10, 2020
The manga and the comment section are showing us how fucked up our world is.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
Noooo, not the phonerino. How will she get her online education now?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
Chako is not equipped to help Reiji whatsoever. Nobody in this manga is.
I agree with you on that. No one is equipped enough to help anyone in the characters we seen so far. Chako does provide some metal support and honestly a reason to live for Reiji. By no means is it all positive. Chako can't "save" Reiji but I believe they she can certainly give support and I think Reiji can do likewise. But they do require a external force to be really "saved". Perhaps that's leaving town and actually finding people that are equip and supportive in helping them.

The way I see it, Chako and Reiji are lost in the sea and only have each other in keeping each other afloat. If someone panics or breakdowns, the other person drowns. Not a pretty picture, but that's all they have at the moment to keep them going.
Jul 9, 2018
I almost laugh out loud at Page 11. Sure it's a metaphor of Chako's mental state but it was like she's getting so heavy that the floor cracked underneath her feet.

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