Ha... ok, this manga - it's a revenge-porn, snuff fest. If you're here for just some mindless revenge-porn and hammy characters, go for it. Solid art, and there's some nice pannel design, but overall you're not really missing much.
I thought it'll have at least some morally grey area, but basically, everyone who gets killed is Comically Bad. To the point that in 5th and 6th chapters we get a man who finally gets a chance to sit on the greyer side of morality and then his daughter is like The Worst child on planet and then he defends her objectively horrible actions, making him twice the bad -- yeah, that's the depth of writing you can expect from this manga.
The MC is tragically flat. Despite manga's interesting premise, in reality it's just vigilante snuff fest, chapter after chapter of same formula: Introduce The Worst Person(TM), spend entire chapter making sure audience knows they're The Worst, and then our MC kills them.