The manga is so stupid Japanese why did he even decide to make it take place in London. There is nothing British about this other than its setting. Why do they have to keep talking about social rank when that doesn't even matter in western societies(her getting mad at not being called Sempai). They even refer to people seemingly by their last names???? Also Childhood friends is a fleshed out concept in Japan having its own word, but doesn't really exist in the same way in the UK. You can be friends since you were kids or grew up together, but your its word to think someone is close to you because you're childhood friends.
The manga seem like an eh to me now, I still excited for more, all I've read is the one shot. I never liked bleach, but maybe I'll like this. I was just really weird out on why the manga kept trying to say its British and then give me the most Japanse manga ever. Plus the fights don't show any promise if they are all going to end in with a bullet.