By Spring - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Home

Aggregator gang
Jun 28, 2019
I wonder what's wrong with his mother, trying to tie down her son like that? In the earlier chapters i thought she was being petty about money but it seems like that is not the case? So many mystery
Dec 31, 2019
Just waiting for his Mom to snap and blame her son for everything wrong in their lives.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Well, if he does 15 capsules a minute he's making minimum wage...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Poor mom looks like she's on the brink, the kid is probably her only pillar.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
ah i was right for the most part. thankfully haru isn't doing what i feared. although there might be more to it considering he's got villain eyes.

on the mother's case, it seems like she's pretty obsessive with her son. not in the cute way either. rather it seems she's in a pretty dark place physically and mentally. it seems she dislikes money but understands its importance. if we take what she said about prostitutes and the people who buy them, i think she has a poor opinion of herself along with what she's doing. of course, she needs money so she sucks it up for her son's sake. however remove the son from the picture and you'll just have a self-loathing prostitute instead of a hardworking mother. that's why the idea of someone else having him upsets her so much. so instead of trying to reinforce their relationship, she's trying to remove his other relationships.
Oct 7, 2019
@Weoooo 1 yen is less than 1 US cent so that equals roughly 9$ hour. So yeah guess it doesn’t seem that bad but I have a hard time seeing him being able to do 15/min
Mar 9, 2019
Whyyy does it feel like haru's dad is taking advantage of her (you know what I mean) and she's trying to collect money in order to gain independence from him. Although I hope that's not the case...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
I really hope that step dad hasn’t touched Haru... I bet he has but... hopefully not anything to drastic

@ninjazz damn yeah that’s actually great thinking, I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. Now I bet it is
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I do find these characters interesting.

I get the impression that Haru's stepfather is sexually abusing her, or abusing her to some extent, though that is just speculation and more inline with how she says she's a prostitute, even if she outright rejects all offers we see coming to her that aren't from MC.

The mother seems possessive, but also neglectful and very self-centered. She's living outside of her means and tries to blame a lot of it on her soon, and so she tries to keep him firmly in her hand.

While that's not entirely the impression I got, I can see where you're coming from. What I find interesting is that she seems to be neglecting him quite a bit. I definitely thought that the whole reason he went to Haru to begin with was because he lacked any proper relationships with anyone, and he lacked any positive role models, female or otherwise, in his life. Hell, I'd argue he didn't even have much positive skinship before this point, so just being touched by someone in a way that didn't seem harmful would be better than nothing. @ninjazz

The character I'm most interested in is actually Yuri because of the way she's been developed. Ironically, she's the foil to Haru in the fact that she accepts everything being given to her and feels entitled to it where Haru feels she has to earn everything she has. She also contrasts MC in this, and so she feels entitled to have other people and to be with them, so when she doesn't feel like MC is with her, and that she deserves him, she gets outraged because she can't process why someone who everyone regards as inferior doesn't want to be and isn't allowed to be with her, especially in favor of someone she thinks is lower than trash.

This manga does do a good job of establishing characters and motivations, as well as making each character complicated in their own right. (Damn, it's good.)
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
It has been a while since i had the chance to read a good manga like this. Forget the bait-y premise, the toxics parents seems too realistic it's almost uncomfortable
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019

i don't think she's neglecting him on purpose and i don't think she's blaming her situation on her son. she doesn't give off that malicious manipulative vibe you'd get from that type of character. instead she giving off that calm desperation you'd see in someone who's pretending to be fine.

i actually tried to go back and reread a bit of the first chapters to reconfirm what she said about prostitutes and saw that they actually seem pretty intimate with each other but they just don't interact with each other often because he's a student during the day and she "works" at night. i think he just took the opportunity to buy Haru because he was lonely since his mother wasn't around and no one else seemed to want to deal with him. it just turned out despite him jacking off in the first chapter, he's more concerned with his loneliness than his lust. he's a good, innocent kid. just lonely.

and i'll be straight up, i think yuri will probably cause more damage more anyone else in the story. she gives off that malicious manipulative vibe. i swear.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Oh, we're in agreement about Yuri, I just think she's interesting.

She's a powder keg, and I think that's the tragedy of her character. If she had gone against the grain at any point before this story had happened and lent MC a helping hand, none of his story with Haru would have happened and he would have been much better adjusted to society and probably in a better state mentally. However, she kinda just did what everyone else did and so she was too late to ask or tell him about how she felt, and so now she must live with the consequences and regret of her actions, which she never had to deal with before because she didn't know failure.

The mom, however, I don't think is consciously manipulative or malicious, but kinda has those undertones as she does it unconsciously in her actions. She's selfish and kinda egocentric, but it's not something she's actively making a choice in doing and I think that if she could provide a better life for her and her son, she would, but she just kinda unconsciously puts herself first and puts her needs and desires above his without realizing that's what she's doing.

Although, I think Souta's "alone time" in the first chapter was more to both show how poor he was and that he still wanted some kind of deeper affection with people-as excessive masturbation can be a sign of depression or loneliness.

But I think we're mostly in agreement, unlike how I am with criver on this series. @ninjazz
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019

certainly. i think the only thing we don't fully agree on is the mother's intentions and even then i think we're both agreeing she's mentally unstable.

who knows though. this manga has been surprisingly good at keeping its cards hidden. maybe mother has something up her sleeve after all.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Yeah, but to be fair, everyone in this manga is mentally unstable, so it's not too big of a surprise. I'm excited to see where this story goes personally. I just hope it's not one of those stories that starts off really strong and goes down hill quickly...@ninjazz

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