Akiyama-san was an original manga Monkey-san created and posted on sites like twitter and pixiv, which I translated because a close friend of mine showed me the chapters and I thought they were pretty funny and had cute characters. Gradually, a total of 3 thin books/doujin compiling all the chapters were sold (and which I own). I found the books actually contain more content than was ever posted online (omake/extras as well as entire new chapters), but I opted not to TL any of those assuming that their being behind a "paywall" of sorts meant I shouldn't distribute them. I suppose I could've asked Monkey-san for permission to do those, but I figured it'd be a no either way, and so didn't at the time and have no plans to for the forseeable future.
The second thing worth mentioning is that sometime earlier in 2020 (year of writing this comment), Monkey-san landed a deal to write a one-off Akiyama-san chapter for an online manga website with the potential of a series deal if it was received well. Again, as this was more official and involved a publisher, I didn't bother asking Monkey-san for permission to do it, assuming it wouldn't be as simple as before and preferring not to interfere at all with Monkey-san's attempt to go more "pro." This one-off is also notable for taking place in a different universe than the original comics, one with humans as well as bug people and following a school cooking club created by Akiyama. Because that chapter would not belong under this particular listing on MangaDex and I had no reason to make a new, separate one because I wasn't planning to TL it, it remains missing from the site so far.
As far as I can tell, I don't think the one-shot was successful enough to land a series, but don't take my word as gospel truth. It's possible the deal is just in the works behind the scenes and it hasn't been made public at the time of this writing.