Having done this in real life, I really feel for Yuki here... At least she has actual cats to talk her through the process, we had to blunder our way through with just the internet! It all worked out in the end though...
I feel like this is going to lead to a joke about someone misunderstanding that the kittens are her children? That would be really stupid, but it feels like the kind of stupid some of this cast is prone to.
I have been randomly thinking of this chapter all day because of the translation "milk sugar". Most people just call it lactose, but that's cute, I guess
@Karretch Well, they do live in a cat cafe run by people that probably take care of kittens from time to time because cats don't live forever, and even just as a high schooler Ayano's old enough to have raised some from kitten to died-of-old-age by now, so they'd need to "restock" the cafe a bit here and there even assuming they're not just constantly taking in new ones just because they can. Suspension of disbelief only ends where there's no longer a reasonable explanation.