Caught by the Villain - Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2020
Most times scenes like this are romantic but nope she's creeped the fuck out by yandere letio
Jun 5, 2020
I haven’t seen enough of Letio to confirm but I feel like since he’s had quite an isolated upbringing his view of the world is quite immature. He defines what is it good and what is evil based on his own morality, his relationship with a person and their usefulness/actions towards him or his loved ones. He doesn’t leave room for thought about the complex nature of humans and how people’s actions are not always black or white and that there’s always going to be a morally grey area, very similar to the way a child thinks. He already labelled the crown Prince as a bad person because he’s obstructing his relationship with Selena so him being the catalyst for the duel and ultimately Selena’s injury was the justification he was looking for. Now Letio has no reason to hide his hatred so he’s quick to curse him out and voice his distain. I can see why everyone doesn’t like him currently but personally I don’t think we’ve see enough of his personality to be push him into the category of a ‘creep’ or ‘yandere’ because, as I mentioned before, he’s quite childish so the way he expresses his love is also in a childish manner; possessive and smothering. Ultimately all he wants is the best for Selena so his intentions are right but the way he’s executing it is wrong. Hopefully we see some character development from him as Selena continues to teach him boundaries like she has been and maybe even provide a new perspective of morality for him. Sorry for the long ass comment, I didn’t think I would end up typing this much but I didn’t like how everyone was so quick to judge him.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
No Selena, not sociopath. Psychopath. My boy doesn't have a conscience and thinks nothing about murdering.
Sep 11, 2020
I really hope Letio gets more character development soon. His yandere behaviour is kinda getting more and more annoying, like yes, it's not his fault for being like this, it's his upbringing. But it's no justification, and he's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Anyway thanks for the chapters
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
Way too much tip toeing around shit, this is really rearing its head as a dumbster fire.
May 2, 2020
Ehem, at least she kinda knows Letio's having serious issues right now?? Maybe she can help?
I think Letio can change since he did in the story, and maybe back away from the yandere route.
May 5, 2020
bruh how the hell does this guy go "I have an isolated house you could disappear in forever" to a SICK PERSON??? Especially a woman.... like bruh at this point I think even telling the betrayal-sensitive prince she lied would be safer.... Mr.Prince please just like, send out one single person to investigate? If he was supposed to be super conscious of betrayal shouldn't he have already done that to anyone near him? Because as it is right now Letio is a bit too far gone I think.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2020
You guys spoiled me with all these chapters, how will I cope now that it's caught up 😖

But no really thanks for all the fast work. Saved me from many cliffhangers lol
Jun 3, 2020
I've read both your updates and the raws when I see a new chapter, and some dialogues/sfx lacked coherence or were translated differently from how I understood it (granted I'm not a native Korean speaker and I personally use online translation with words I don't know* and context) so it could be a bit confusing, but you always update so quickly and with high quality chapters that I'm excited for the next ones. Good luck and stay healthy!!!
Nov 3, 2020
They are both Yanderes. Selena you poor child. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. At least the prince doesn't simply kill anyone like Letio does.
Apr 4, 2019
Selena...girl...please. Save yourself some trouble and just kill that crazy bastard. Ain't nobody know he a prince so no one can say shit.

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