I dislike both Letio and Ignis. Selena needs to just abandon ship and run away ffs. She's being passive and active at the wrong moments. Also fucking hate Celestine lol; dude is a scumbag for abandoning his duties and risking execution of the family. Well, at least it potentially leads to Selena's father being cured. Anyway, back to the passive and active point, rn Selena is being too passive when it comes to confronting the male leads and being too active when digging herself into a ditch. I also feel like she still thinks her life as a novel. Honestly, I have no idea why every main character in this theme does that. Literally just by you existing in that world you've introduced many different futures. Selena needs to reject Letio straight up, not sit in silence, don't let him kiss your hand either because he'll just keep chasing you in hopes, tell him that she's not with the prince because she loves him and don't explain why you're doing it, and avoid him more. Selena should never reveal to Ignis that she's a girl. He'll probably turn into a 2nd Letio because both Letio and Ignis are obsessive. Well, Selena's fucked either way because this theme has a shit ton of damsel-in-distress going on and Selena, as capable as she is, will probably somehow get written into that trope and be saved by some male lead and will fall in love with him for no good reason.