Never expected to hear questions that actually got me thinking in a manga like this. In a less crass framing, would you rather be presentable or be pleasant. This question is ordinary but the situation is anything but. I think that seemingly simple questions like those are very interesting when put into contexts like this. Would you rather look like a pornstar, or have the skills of a pornstar. You might think that's its better to have "skills of a pornstar", but consider this; presentation. Presentation is things like foreplay, location, and prep, things to "get in the mood". I think this goes without saying but if you look like a troll wouldn't get you much action, so you could never get a chance to use those pornstar skills. Of course you could find someone who either A) is willing to look past you looks or B) is just looking for a real good time, but how long until you actually find someone like that. But also not being able to please you partner could also be detrimental to your relationship, in fact not being able to satisfy someone is actually a topic in one of the previous chapters. So what is the answer to this question? I think that it's the answer to most things in life, a little bit of both.