Chastity Reverse World

Jun 11, 2019

To be frank, it shouldn't matter. Women that lie about their virginity are usually in societies that treat them worse for not being "pure", which is cringy. Most of them lie because of a traumatic incident such as rape, sexual assualt or molestation (etc).

So, in all honesty, we should really stop caring about 'virginity' as it's not important or valid at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
True, but that wasn't the point I was making. You know the drill: men lie about losing it, women lie about keeping it.
All and all, your comment reminds me of another comment I found on web a while ago. It was referring to how some women will tell other women to not improve their looks as that's vain.
The sudden belief that the actions of me as an individual poor black woman, with little social influence, has any effect on patriarchal society is just ridiculous. Me choosing not to indulge in beauty regimes has NO bearing at all on anything, all it will do is make my already hard life even more difficult.

The idea that women are more than their looks is a good thing. However, it's a belief that hardly anyone in society holds.

I realized this pretty much applied to well....nearly everything. You and me hold little to no social influence (and probably never will), so even if we don't partake in this "virginity" nonsense, nothing will come of it. I can remember seeing a article about 3 men stopping a incel, only for them to all die. Then everyone comment section calling them "simps". It doesn't matter if one man holds a good mindset when they're 9 more that don't.

But I guess it's at least good to find another good guy (or kid) out there. (Internet high five)
Jun 11, 2019

I see now what you mean by your comment, and I agree.

I realized this pretty much applied to well....nearly everything. You and I [sic] hold little to no social influence (and probably never will), so even if we don't partake in this "virginity" nonsense, nothing will come of it. I can remember seeing an [sic] article about 3 men stopping an [sic] incel, only for them to all die. Then everyone comments [sic] section calling them "simps". It doesn't matter if one man holds a good mindset when they're 9 more that don't.

Man, this is so hard-hitting, poignant and truthful. Though, there is some cause in having such an outlook; it is pretty nihilistic but quite apt in the description of how the world works.

I usually advocate for things that would make my life (and my loved ones) easier, so it's practically a no brainer for me to have this tautology (The idea that women are more than their looks is a good thing) tied to my ideology.
May 9, 2019
About the virginity talk, I agree it's not as important, but I do think it is best if people's first time (guy's or girl's) is meaningful/enjoyable. The more so, the more likely they'll be happy to do it again which is good for most relationships (as most do care about sex in them, asexuals do exist, but they aren't the norm, being life's purpose and all that to reproduce has many ingrained to seek out sex). Still, I do prefer a girl, myself, that doesn't have sex quickly/easily or casual encounters. It's not something I'm interested in, I prefer a girl that shares such a view. It makes it more special. But, yea, if they tell me they are a virgin, fine, if they aren't, that's fine too. I'll usually tell em my stance and figure out theirs before we do anything anyways.
Mar 6, 2019
Plots picking up and starting to hit hard, yet I somehow miss the earlier chapters where we were getting acustom to the new world. Right now I barely can differentiate between this and the hentai it's adapted from making it feel a bit less substantial.

Albeit I'm just wanting something with a similar plot line that has more world building than story, like the background story of all fiction
Dec 23, 2018
new chapter, and this arc i wasnt the biggest fan of has been moved past, alrighty
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
gosh, I'm actually really happy for our perverted trio losing their V card to the same guy and becoming pole sisters haha. Gosh this manga has been a ride.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018
The whole virginity thing is a myth, perpetuated by... I dunno, male ego, most likely. And the way every manga I've seen, considers it gospel, is a bit disturbing.

But that's entirely irrelevant, I'm more concerned with the fact that the manga went from poking fun at the ridiculousness of porn tropes, to taking them completely seriously.

Talk about mood whiplash.
Apr 29, 2019
I wish Kawashima and Ichikawa had more distinct designs. When Kawashima lets her hair down it becomes difficult to tell them apart.

Other than that I love it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
OMG , the newest chapter 22 was already released last year , 17 / 4 / 2019 , just kidding , this website doesnt even bother to fix this typo :
Jun 26, 2019
Interesting concept if you've never heard of the doujin. The real story doesn't really start till ch.16
If you are story driven you may find it more enjoyable to read the first 6 chapters and the skip to 16. The slice of life gags are dragged to long.
Jan 3, 2019
for a seinen manga this concept seem very childish as the author didn't try to give any reason of why a man should be ashamed of losing his chastity
since girls have many cons in losing their chastity the simplest one of them is they get called whores and get bullied by their peers not to mention their chances of getting married is slime especially in old times
but the "whores" men of this reverse world have pretty much no cons as any men who sell himself get to be hailed as hero with decent side salary definitely a dream job for any person from this world not to mention he get to do it with many hot girls
also the mc gang don't seem to act like males but just simp or monkey in heat with no standard like i definitely won't pay an ugly girl for a quick one
Jul 29, 2019
I don't ask much
I want Ichikawa ended up with decent guy
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
This is so hilariously funny, I haven't laughed this much in years.
Jul 9, 2019
I dont get why they are searching perverted people to have sex . Isnt it posible have sex normal people since most of boys in normal world says okey to this offer so why she choose this boy?

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