Cheating Men Must Die

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
"beats up countless cheating bastards and bitches," IM SOLD!!!
nice to see to not only beat up cheating bastards (from many manhua w/ female lead) but the bitches too 😂
even better if there's another series like this with a male lead so I can alternate satisfaction between the two
Oct 18, 2018
@Raffro there are a lot of chinese transmigration/time travel novels where previous owner of body gets cheated on by male lead (and by a lot i mean a lot) so that's where the theme comes from. also chinese comic = manhua.
May 11, 2018
Why so many people rated this with 1? Are these people sober? They only released 1 chapter

Thank you translator for picking this up. I am lookng forward to more💕💕💕

@Raffro: what do you mean by sexist?
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@Mintzu Because people are biased against chinese stuff. Just like how they used to always rate the lowest score to Korean webtoons some years ago. Until Tower of god came out and changed the scene.
Look, they rate this series 1 with just the prologue.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

No..... it's because this Manhua is of incredibly low quality. It's a literal guranteed magnet for low ratings

Here are some better Manhuas. Notice how they have highish to normal ratings?

This Manhua is not good shet.

This Manhua is basically ANOTHER excuse for a bunch of short stories that the author has decided to make interconnected by making the MC become different characters. HA HA VERY FUNNY CHINESE AUTHORS. YOU GUYS DID THAT EXCUSE 1000 TIMES. Changing the POV to the Women does nothing to change that.

In addition to the guarantee of there being no coherent story, I got to see TONS OF OVERUSED TIRED CHINESE TROPES. I also see that nearly every page focuses ONLY ON THE FACE. Wow, such cost cutting/ effort.

Nope, I ain't tolerating that, take my One rating and shove it up your ass Manhua Author.

=============Overused Chinese Manhua tropes====
(Keep in mind, if done well, these tropes are not crippling. However. . . . . . THIS MANHUA HAS ALL OF THESE OVERUSED TROPES. FREAKIN UNBELIEVABLE.)

--> Save money, ONLY DRAW THE FACE: Self explanatory, Manhua artistdoesn't draw backgrounds or props to save every last penny, only the FACE MATTERS AMIRITE PEOPLE? YOU ONLY LOOK AT THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. (Btw, I really do mean the last penny, I'm not making that part up. )

--> Cunning Bitchy Evil Villianess: Wow, how original, using an Asian Romance Drama trope that's almost universal and widely spammed.

--> Girls who cheat are automatically evil: Wow, such original. Double Negative points because in real life, this is actually a big problem for Chinese people due to a variety of complex problems.

--> Cheating Useless boyfriend: WOw such original. Double unoriginality because Chinese transmigration/time travel novels where previous owner of body gets cheated on by male lead is a VERY COMMON CHINESE trope. (Thx anifd for putting it so eloquently)

--> Annoying Pointless Chinese Mascot Characters: . . . . . . THESE THINGS NEED TO DIE. You see them in Japenese Manga too, but Chinese Manhua are PLAGUED with badly written ones.

--> It's all about the man!!!: This trope revolves around getting a man, or being spurned by a man. Basically the Girl's happiness or unhappiness completely revolves around their relationship with THE MAN THEY LOVE. Common in romance media, but ludicrously common in Chinese Manhua.

I also suspect that only Emperors, Nobles and Rich People matter trope will eventually come into play, but I didn't see it in the 1st chapter.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@crazybars I already read all those series you posted. Oh and btw, have you seen their ratings? Now compared to the crappiest japanese series, on average, tell me which have higher ratings lmao.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
@ ZombiesAreNotOkay

You are probably right about the bias against Chinese Manhua. I was comparing Manhua to Manhua on this site because I thought that would be a more fair comparison.

This Manhua is still incredibly terrible on so many levels compared to it's peers.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@crazybars nahh, it's all good, mate. I also think the author is going to make the series worse in the future, as always.
It's just that rating it 1 when there is only the prologue is dumb. but oh well.
May 8, 2019
😏 I like this story. So here I am taking time out of myyyyy day to comment on something that I actually like. As for the things I do not like, they don’t matter and I wouldn’t waste my time on it. *drops mic and walks off*
May 11, 2018
I will just wait for more chapters to come out before delivering my final verdict. Cos I have read hundreds of novels, some of them started great but ended up shitty while some started quite bland but gotten better surprisingly :)

I don't agree of this series being sexist tho. Imo this troupe is common, we can even find similar theme with male protag (with engagement annulment and whatnot).

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