Cheating Men Must Die

Oct 21, 2018
@K00K13 @BookQueen1 'Cheating Men Must Die' is the official English title given by the author. It's very common in Chinese media for official English names to not be a direct translation of the original title. Often times they can have a completely different meaning, because a close translation doesn't have as much impact.
Apr 21, 2020
@Aerisaa @sleepybernard
I understand. I was never blaming the scantalation group for the way it was chosen to be titled. I know that "Cheating Men Must Die" is the official translation chosen by the author. I was just trying to explain as to why it was chosen because a lot of people *cough*some men*cough* get pissed when they see it.

Also thanks for the additional explanation. It is much appreciated.
Group Leader
May 13, 2020
just... how the heck many genres this manga has, it's like the manga "Melancholia"
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
I dropped this a long time ago, don't know why. Because i had it bookmarked on another site. Maybe i dropped it because it had the usual crap art famous in Chinese manhwa.
Despite that, this is a great read. yes MC has any tool she needs to complete her task, and she clearly knows how to win right away. The reason this works is because this is sort of an anthology of stories about getting revenge or hooking up male and female leads from fictional worlds she travels to.
Its not all revenge though, the first story has her hooking up and living out her life until "death" with one of the male leads.

This along with Gu Master shows that chinese manhwa with crap art can be good if the story is good. Problem is most the stories are just so epcially bad.
Aug 13, 2020
if you've ever cursed at a tv show for doing something 'stupid', well this could be your cup of tea! i love this very patricular isekai genre because of how they closely scrutinize the tropes in dramas, makes me enjoy and appreciate these tropes even more

this series tackles a lot of stuff, and it surprised me at times of how well thought out they were in executing their criticisms of the genre they're in,

my favorite arc would be this feng wushuang for tackling 2 things that always bugged me with lore heavy works it represented
from the female mc's true evilness in letting go of their love interest's evil deeds as she is too blinded by her 'good nature' to truly condemn the guy (an example would be him almost killing the whole village to save her)
some writer's tendency to just mishmash lore and real life mythologies without any care or original thought to reframe these ideas into new refreshing ones
it's details like these that make me come back for more

the flip side is that as other people noticed, its has that artstlye that makes it off putting to read at times, and the almost always present "lost in translation" stuff that plauges almost all ltranslated works, and at its worst, ruins the candence and pacing of some stuff (but nothing major)
Oct 30, 2020

Agree, this series does portray their critique of these tropes pretty accurately.
Personally, I feel like the school-life arc was a bit extreme, and the Movie Queen arc didn't make much sense (by that I mean, the ML was totally in the wrong but got off scot-free, which is a bit unrealistic) but the Feng Wushuang one and the vampire one were indeed very good.
May 23, 2019
Are we gonna pretend that the easiest solution isn’t just recording that conversation and the bribe lolllll. I thought Su luxia was super genius
Oct 30, 2020
@111grace11111 maybe that'll happen, i don't know. but tbh, su luxia using too many system tools just makes the story i'd much rather have her rely on her own wits than use her points to buy a bunch of tools to fulfill the quest. besides, the public opinion is still near tang mengji's side (as she's already plagiarized many other works by now) and it's easy to find excuses such as accusing qiaomu liangxia of hiring a voice impressionist or something.
Apr 21, 2020

It is what it is. If you're trying to rile people up over it just know that it has been explained thousands upon thousands of times already in earlier comments (in the fact the earliest discussion being 8 days ago). Please refer to those comments if you truly care as to the reasoning behind the title and if you are even more curious then you can read the story as well where you will see that the antagonists (aka cheaters) can be either gender, sometimes even both.

It's quite an entertaining read so I encourage it 👍

Edit: Also I'm sorry if your comment wasn't meant to be accusative. It's just that we get a lot of people coming here and complaining about the title without reading the actual story. This discussion has been brought up so often that it gotten quite tiresome. We just want to enjoy our revenge stories in peace so I'm sorry if I come off as a bit too defensive.
Aug 13, 2020
@kingaron I believe they address this more blatantly (at least the switching of personalities) in the Feng Wushang arc

I might be giving them more credit that what's due, but later in that arc,
when the ML started to notice the holes in his story, he started to 'malfunction' and 'ascend' to a higher form of living.
It's not the character's fault for recognizing these right away, as this is argued that this is equally the fault of the author for writing them this way. Even the deaths of the people Su Luxia often transmigrate to are often 'wronged' in a literary sense. Characters who are often used as plot device to keep the story moving forward.

With that in mind, at every start of the transmigration progress the host's anger and other stuff are considered before Su Luxia transmigrates. This give us, the readers, a sense of satisfaction when this kind of karmic punishment is served.
Active member
Jan 30, 2019
This give us, the readers, a sense of satisfaction when this kind of karmic punishment is served.
I know that, it's why the ML in the second arc didn't just cheat on her. The author needs justification for why the ML deserve to die so they do thing besides just cheat, it's also why they have no redeeming qualities. This just hasn't really worked for me, I keep asking questions like, dose this character deserve have his/her life ruined or ended, instead of focusing on how badass and smart the MC (it also probably doesn't help that I don't like the MC). Keep in mind I haven't read pass part way into the third arc, It just seems that so for all I know everything could change with subsequent arc, but so far it just seems like this series isn't for me.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2019
There’s so many fucking tags but I don’t see a harem one but I do see a Romance tag.

Is the romance in this any good? Does it go anywhere?
Oct 5, 2020
@calmbreez The romance is good but it is secondary to the plot. Since the MC basically travels from world to world to correct wrongs and punish scummy people, sometimes she might have a romance during her time in a specific world but it doesn't last, since inevitably she'll leave that world and go to another one.

If you want a story focused mainly on romance, this won't be what you're looking for. This story mainly has themes of justice, punishing the wicked and helping innocent people who have been wronged.

There are many tags because some worlds are vampire worlds, or worlds set in ancient times, or modern era worlds with no magic, etc. The theme tags are usually only applicable to one or two worlds among many.

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