Chi no Wadachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - A Single Step

Double-page supporter
Nov 3, 2019
His father is just straight up ignorant. No wonder his mother is all deranged and shit. She must have felt left alone all this time, being ignored and just don't know the meaning of going at this time till Seiichi is there.

No wonder she loves Seiichi so much, he was like a light shone upon her at the darkest time, and she just don't want to loose her lights and get back to her shitty condition before.
Mar 27, 2020
I give up. This is shit.
I can take in everything happening in this manga by just rapid scrolling to the bottom of a page and clicking for the next... going through them at the rate of about a page per second and I'm not actually missing anything. It is just tons and tons of scrawly, ugly pictures of this kid's hideous facial expressions, poorly written fragments of dialogue.... and really unnatural interactions.
So he got in trouble at school for kicking a desk, got a minor telling off from his parents, accepted that girl's confession, and now can speak again. Whoop de do.

So very dropped.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
"Seiko, you go on ahead and make us dinner."

Maybe I am reading too much into it, but why does this line give me a weird feeling?
Aug 21, 2020
@Whitehalo127 That line kinda shows how the father doesn't care and is very distant (esp with the mother). With the small things or events piling up (including this one), we get a hint into their fcked family dynamic which feels icky/not right.
Double-page supporter
Feb 6, 2018
Now, that is happy face. He get courage from his friend and his girlfriend. This is nice.
Aug 17, 2020
You are crazy if you think whatever the father has done,excuses the action the mother has taken,she is a grown ass woman,place the blame at her.
Active member
Jun 11, 2019
I'm really weirded out by some y'all who are blaming the father for the events that have happened so far.... y'all can't be serious right?? He is one of "normal" characters in this series so far.. I know he is ignorant and might not be the best father but he seems the most "human" if it makes sense, coz sometimes we do make mistakes and don't care for people around us, i have done it you all might have to where i didn't give someone the attention they wanted and it hurt them but i didn't notice, this is normal human behavior. But taking that anger on your child by chokinh them, doing weird things with your child and KILLING someone to cope with the fact your husband doesn't understand you IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR. The mother's behaviour is straight up psychotic, dont blame her behaviour on the husband...
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
This is one a prelude to one of those “one step forward but three steps back” moments I can feel it
Active member
May 24, 2020
I was going to say that he was somehow getting better but the fact that there still 60 chapters make me feels that he's going to suffer waayyyy more
I just hope some sweet ending like Aku no Hana after this

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