@Ghost_Bear if I can give my 4/2. American culture just developed in a time period where melting pots started to take notice of women independence (because of World War). prior to that sort of movement, a lot of feminine things were still a man's sport. things like high heels, corsets, flower arranging, painting, were actually a guy's thing bc they couldn't leave it up to women? it's misogyny, just sexism.
chivalry was dead by that time (and so was Lancelot's reputation by the time Christianity came around) for Westerners, the religious movement surprisingly accredited women to being more than things to romance (but that wasn't their intention). Eastern subdue romantic endeavors revolve around the fact that they live in a feudalistic society and the fact romance wasn't halted because religion said so, and the fact that those cultures had enough development to romanticize some fantasy.
Oriental countries have become more reserved, at least compared to Westerner's just because women can also be aggressive (and that period of, chivalry was bad prompted women to take another role). I've really come to appreciate that Korean/Japan/China's female protagonists have taken a shot in their respective genres.
I really like how the Protagonist is being honest, and how ML1 is literally "chivalry was promiscuous during an era of god"