Geezus, what a thing to read an hour away from Christmas in my timezone. Poor guy, he had no one to help him (and he's not wrong; people generally only have enough room for the people closest to them and he and they just weren't close enough).
It's very sad but im relieved that A) his Father did not just run away (although he did kinda put too much weight on his Sons shoulders) or is dead and B) i doubt that they are Siblings so a relationship is perfectly fine.
Anyway thx for the Chapter
Man, he's gone through way too much at such a young age and he didn't even have anyone to guide him/ correct him early one so he just went down that self-sacrificial route.
This is exactly why parents HAVE to be involved with their child's development and not just work even if it is necessary because mental health problems are a much bigger issue compared to financial problems.
My cousin was prepping for college entrance exams (JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced) had so much pressure on himself by the people around him and his parents as well as they kept telling him that if you don't get into this college (IIT) life is over and you'll be a failure forever. Even his parents never bothered consoling him and the pressure kept piling upon him. After not making the cut he jumped off the roof of his apartment building and died. This is one of the many cases of such terrifying cases of pressuring children and indoctrinating into them thoughts like if you don't get into X College life is over making them feel inferior and like complete failures. This is in a way child neglect and even though it is not directly related to this manga I thought I'd just write in case some parents/children are reading this and they understand that life gives you millions of chances don't worry.