Non-drama chapters with the parents in romcoms really are a treat. It's Umi's mom's turn to make an appearance, and wow, the resemblance is strong with mom here. She takes after her mother in the looks department quite a bit.
"So there's going to be a next time, huh?"
Wait, Umi didn't shoot down the boyfriend misunderstanding with her mom...? Yo...
OK, so somebody pointed out that
ボーイフレンド (read as "boyfriend") was used in the raws, which does have more room for interpretation and can either mean boyfriend or male friend, IMO it's less clear-cut than
彼氏 "kareshi" (very often used to mean actual boyfriend but can also just mean "him"; though "him" wouldn't work in that scene).
Damn, so the problem with the boys are getting worse but I guess it's about time this brewing issue was handled. On pg. 17 it's one of the boys who started loudly badmouthing him. But I kinda like how Yuu, being outspoken, said something about this. She confronted the issue and now the jerks among the boys are put on the spot and either have to fake it as usual to keep face with her or out themselves in shame.
It could make things worse for him though, but I think I prefer an attempt to do something about a problem than just sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. Plus the teacher is there as witness.