Class ga Isekai Shoukan sareta Naka Ore dake Nokotta n desu ga - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

Active member
May 31, 2018
Yato's got it right.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2018
Live in modern world full with conveniences with a cute little sister and a cute girl and both of them loves you or playing hero in another world?
Yato got his priority right
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
If they can send over monsters, why not just send over the demon lord to him and be done with it?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
How to get an angel to behave? Easy, clip its f**king wings!
Group Leader
Dec 1, 2018
Well I guess that's what happens when God falls asleep at the keyboard; sometimes you just get attacked by dragons.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@givemersspls dude that doesnt sound like a lot to me, in high school we were 35 in each class, and on college we got to fucking 6 per class
Jun 23, 2018
@givemersspls that should be the common size in an Asian classrom yoh. And most of the people in my class graduated university. I don’t know what so stupid about having 40+ in a room

Story’s supid in this one but this is my kind of stupid 😏
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
@givemersspls In chapter 1 it tells you his skill is basically the ability to make any skill he wants, and because he likes to sleep he made a skill that let's him lv up by sleeping. All of the skills he made are what makes him OP as fuck. It's not like the goddess can just give everyone the ability to create their own skills, or the "lv by sleeping" skill since they probably aren't sleeping almost constantly like the MC. Plus the fact that the MC just wants to sleep, not deal with problems in a completely different world that has nothing to do with him.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@givemersspls It is a little high, but it honestly makes a ton of sense when you keep in mind just how densely populated Tokyo is: the 23 wards alone claim a population of 9.2 million people, with the surrounding metropolis boosting that to 13 million. If you include the greater Tokyo metropolitan area (which spans 3 prefectures), that number jumps to just over 38 million as of 2016. It's not uncommon for students to commute fairly long distances to school, so it's totally believable for schools to be that packed.

As for why he doesn't help out, uh.... Why the hell should he? Seriously, why should he? The god responsible for this clusterfuck unilaterally gave them powers and then unilaterally kidnapped them all, only missing Yato because of a minor fuckup; come a year later, Metron realizes "oh, shit, these kids I abducted may not actually be strong enough to be my pawns, but the dude I accidentally left behind is stupid powerful, time to go snag him up, as well, and fuck what he wants". Yato has absolutely zero obligation to acquiesce to their one-sided demands, no matter how simple it'd be for him.

Lastly, Metron gave them all abilities based on their pre-existing talents (3rd page of the first chapter), meaning he likely can't just give them the strength to match Yato's, since basically all of his strength is a result of his magic creation and super growth abilities. I mean, he literally stated in the second chapter that he created a magic that makes him stronger while he sleeps, which was seen in his list of abilities at the end of the first chapter (super reinforced sleep magic).
Nov 30, 2018
@givemersspls I'm gonna spoil everything regarding your complaints and questions but first let me tell you in Manga/anime it's normal having huge classes of 29-39.

Also angels tend to be hot headed just a heads up , but every other answer are spoilers so.
First of all ANGELS are living creatures , along with gods , and reside in the same world named HEAVEN.

Second of all , Yato doesn't want to go because why should he , he thinks he is the weakest for being left behind and because he didn't have apparent broken skills like immortality. Also he is lazy and doesn't win anything going , hell he can go there by himself and back if he knows where the "other world" is , because there are a lot.

Third of all , his classmates forgot about him and don't know how strong he is .
Also they can't get as strong as Yato since they have skills like "light magic" and not "sleep to grow" , also also Metron just awakened their skills , not gifted them , which means Yato could of become op with some luck , just like his classmate learned the cooking skill by herself , she already had it but never unlocked it.
Aggregator gang
Jan 31, 2018
I graduated highschool in 2015. All my classes routinely had at minimum 40 people. Same with middle school. This is in USA btw
Feb 22, 2018
@ii96 Nope, it's part of the god's clothing. That panel is pictured larger in chapter 1 page 2, where it's clearer due to extra different coloring.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 18, 2018
It's always amusing to see dumbasses trying to paint other people as dumbasses. I'd choose a word that's not "dumbass", but seems like the dumbass likes that word.

A simple google search yields

The AVERAGE number of students in a Japanese school is around 34, so having a class with 40 students shouldn't be surprising. Lookup the meaning of AVERAGE.

And why should he help? It's not his job. It's a responsibility that some dumb deity wanted to foist onto him. Note that IT'S NOT EVEN HIS OWN WORLD. I mean, anyone would be pissed even if someone made them do their chores while the ones who were supposed to do the job fooled around. Yet you think it's FINE if someone expected you to lose life and limb because some deity couldn't figure out how to save her own people?

On top of that, if he left, who's supposed to take care of his sister?

Yes, I'm talking about you, @givemersspls
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018

I do agree that 40 is large for a class. Already where I live class sizes average 25 and teachers are saying they can't get to all students at that size. This is Canada so we have loads of ESL students now which really fucks it up and isn't fair to those born in Canada. Sure it existed forever, but our immigration rate is too high to accomodate the kids. Would be better to have more class time on the weekends for ESL kids.

As for helping out he should have a choice. I don't remember too many Isekai where they didn't ask the person after they forcefully summon them some can return many can't it seems.

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