Class ga Isekai Shoukan sareta Naka Ore dake Nokotta n desu ga - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

Active member
Oct 4, 2018
Wat WHAT!? MEtron here is a girl!? In the Novel Metron is a guy! WTF
Mar 16, 2019
@givemersspls I think that I know what you are asking. You think that he should give reasons why he doesn't want to go to another world. But first of all think about it for a moment. You think that God will do something about it. Imagine that he says he doesn't want to be separated from his sister. I'm sure that God will tell him: " oh, doesn't matter she can go with you". Maybe he doesn't need to explicitly say the reason. Because with the god and angel's character it's obvious that they will not listen to him. And personally I think there isn't any reason to give to someone who literally is trying to kidnap you, force you to save a bunch of strangers and possibly die during the journey. If he want to say No its his problem. No is No. And if the reason is just that he doesn't bother, that he just wants to sleep that God is in no position to force him to do anything
Mar 16, 2019
@givemersspls You say that he is overpowered and that he can do everything easily. That's not the impression I got. Just think about it. Has he ever encountered someone from the other world to know that they are all weak? Does he know anything at all about the other world? Because you say that he has the power to end everything easily and has to go. But right now the world is infested with monsters that no one except him can defeat. You are telling him: abandon your family and friends for a bunch of strangers tat may not reward you for your trouble. He is not a doll who will do whatever they tell him to do. Maybe he gets to that world and thinks are more complicated that it seems, he spends a long time there meanwhile his home country will be destroyed by monsters. And maybe the author just wants to wait for future chapters to tell us his reason. Because if it was that urgent the god would have already send him while sleeping a long time ago. And even if he is lazy, so what? The appealing of this character is that he may be lazy but is there when it matters, he works more than everyone else. That's what is appealing about him
Mar 16, 2019
@givemersspls Okay, first of all she doesn't think he can beat the demon Lord. She only thinks about what her master says. Because in the manga it clearly says that even if it is just a wish she will grant it for her master. So she doesn't think that he is more powerful than the demon Lord. She admits that he is powerful, but that's it. We haven't seen the power of the demon Lord to affirm that he is more powerful than him. And I haven't said anything about how he gets his powers but what he does with them because if you haven't forgotten that God is sending him monsters that unfortunately nobody but him can beat at that world. And even if he stops sending it. Maybe there are already some scattered that he has to find and destroy. And you want to send him to another world he knows nothing about, fight an unknown enemy and hope his world is not destroyed in the meantime? I mean seriously?
Mar 16, 2019
@givemersspls Ok does he know where the demon lord is? And how much time would it take to travel to another world? ANOTHER WORLD? time might be different. Not only in the world itself, but also travelling. An hour in Earth could be a month travelling to that world. So he could not just go and come back quickly.
And reading the novel you can see how an evil god strong enought that not even gods can beat him appears. Also an evil cult, etc. In conclusion the world is not safe, maybe in the future he will be able to beat the demon lord easily, but that will be when he is so OP that not even Gods can compete with him.
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
ugh..... how annoying... shes going to be like team rocket right ? showing up to fight him. over and over. Like an annoying cat. Even when she cant win :/

yep and this confirms my theory... the heros in the other world have failed, or so failing.... It has to be that grim enough that they sent this angel through.
Anyone else notice they tried to paint the god who kidnapped them in a positive light ? as if she was hard done by ?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
She said the word! "Next time I'll defeat you"

You know what that means? Unless you kill her, she'll keep comming back. I hate this manga, 1/10.
Double-page supporter
Mar 7, 2019
Such a waste of talent on the artist's side man the plot is so shit and the only thing that makes me want to read this one on this point is the art it self.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 19, 2018
and she went away well, of course, they always escape in the end. but this god is really an evil bitch if you don't comply with her demands she will kill you. mc could have beaten her and then sent her home but nope "don't want to hurt girls" or "girls are always to be protected" clique bullshit is too strong in these mediocre series where is the gender equality if a bitch is ready to hurt anyone, she should be ready to get hurt. man i hate these stupid tropes in these stupid series.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2019
Really wish they never introduced the erase magic. Extremely OP for pretty much no reason. OP already has a bunch of skills and powers. Why give him another skill that can nullify anyone else's powers?
Aug 15, 2020
So she was someone dispatched to bring the mc to the other world. My prediction about the mc being their last hope was true then. I'm suprised he didn't want to go to the other world though. After reading the same cliche stuff like that, i expected him to accept...
Group Leader
Apr 21, 2020
So many coincidences for the beginning of a story. Better to use less, for immersion.

•He coincidentally wasn’t teleported with the class(Construct a basis for the story).
•He coincidentally was the strongest out of the bunch (supposedly easier to write and catered towards one punch enthusiast)
•He coincidentally was sent monsters from a goddess that coincidentally sent it to his world and specifically to him(Story needs to go somewhere, so why not force it, too much brain cells better to stay generic).
•He coincidentally didn’t erase his sisters memory (for harem).
•He... I think you get the point 😩.

Writing a novel isn’t easy if you put your character in an impossible environment you have to research the characters physiological response on top of the environment. For example what kind of items are usually in alleys. The time will be during sunset.

FMC is being chased by a stalker and was lead to an alley. She runs into a dead end, seconds before he can catch up she looks around the littered alley and finds a pen with a narrow tip. With her quivering hand she hastily grabs the pen clenching it tightly against her chest. She slowly looks up and becomes pale, the stalkers head had peeked from the corner with an eerie smile. Her legs became weak and collapsed. The stalker slowly approached her with a malicious glint in his eyes. Feeling his breath run down her neck he caressed her cheek. With tears in her eyes she tightened her grip and stabbed his abdomen. The stalker looked down, and his blood rushed to his head, he slapped her. Before it could reach her she already stabbed into his eye. Without any pause she stabbed him again over and over. Seeing his body slump, she picked herself up and ran without looking back.

It’s a rushed example, however I hope it helps anyone aspiring to be a writer or is just curious.

Here’s a lazy example

FMC was in a dead end. Her legs became numb. She fell back against the wall as the stalker lifted her trembling chin. She closed her eyes biting her lip. The next moment she hears a loud thump. She opens her eyes and see’s her boyfriend. She leaps into his arms, with a quivering voice she asks how he knew she was here. He reply’s, “You didn’t pick up your phone and something felt strange, so I asked around and heard you ran into an alley in panic.”

If someone noticed something strange why didn’t they call the police? How did he find the person that saw her in such a short time? Is he Spiderman now with his tingling sense? I would be suspicious that her boyfriend actually schemed this to get her affection or to convince her to *ahem*😳.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
Oh GOD my comment from almost half year ago.
@Dexie lol. don't care. just the idea of that way is so dumb. fuck it, I've dropped it long time ago.

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