Class ga Isekai Shoukan sareta Naka Ore dake Nokotta n desu ga - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

Jun 18, 2018
is goddes trying to get rid of mc iven tho goddes say angel transform not nearly inof or did i missunderstand heavely
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@chillmare Angels stuff isn't how she would do it. She specifically said that if he "keeps growing" even the gods won't be able to do anything. That means that there is still time for the gods to directly act against him. He is not god level, just above this angel.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@chillmare the only thing i can think of it's that the goddess is using the girl to properly measure his power lvl, also using the chance to get rid of her coz she's kinda annoying for her
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@chillmare Metron doesn't like that Yato will have the power to challenge the gods themselves before long (and honestly, may already have it), so they either want that power under their control in their world (where his classmates were sent) or wiped from existence; Metron fully believes that Lina's Angel Transformation won't do a whole lot to Yato, so they're essentially using her as a sacrificial pawn in the hopes that the battle will intrigue Yato enough to go to Metron's world.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
@Merilirem well just you wait since according to the webnovel he indeed going that path since there is this one god who like to challenge him to a battle after all XD

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2019
seeing metron so haughty in this chapter...

i just LOL'ed hard, thinking that this badass wannabe God is want to get rid MC...
Karma would come to him soon, and it would be humiliating.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 7, 2018
Since when the gods using humanity's rule "if you can't have it, destroy it"?
Feb 6, 2018
The one hole in your theory is that there is no guarantee that he can come back if he decides to go with her and from all it seems that the author is trying to get the point across that he is happy where he is at, for the moment. so without sufficient reward/ incentive there would be no reason for him to go with her. Coupled with the fact that she is trying to force him against his will which just make it even harder to make him go.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
You might want to read up on Greek mythology.
The Gods there are basically humans with superpowers.

Did you know the Trojan war was started because of some Goddesses with very human emotions?
Someone sent the Gods a golden apple with the message: "For the most beautiful of the Goddesses."
Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera fought over the apple, and decided to have Zeus decide who's the most beautiful.

Zeus couldn't decide. He wanted to choose Aphrodite, but he didn't want to anger his wife, Hera. He also couldn't choose his wife, because that would be favoritism.
So he decided to have a human choose: Paris, a prince of Troy.

The Goddesses each tried to bribe Paris.
Choose me, and you'll never lose a fight, said Athena.
Choose me, and you'll never want for a better household, said Hera.
Choose me, and the most beautiful woman on Earth will fall for you, said Aphrodite.

Paris chose the woman, who happened to be the wife of Menelaus (a king of Sparta), and took her to Troy.
Thus the Trojan war started.

By the way: Athena helped defeat Troy.
Should've picked the Goddess of War, right?

It's why I love Greek mythology: So many fun stories to tell.
Although I'm sure it's the same for basically any polytheistic religion out there. I just happen to know Greek mythology best.
Double-page supporter
Mar 7, 2018
You know who send the Apple it's the Christian god with the tree of knowledge with that infamous magic apple tree. 😉
Bad end possible :
Athena end :you will die alone without heir like Alexander Aphrodite remove all potential lover and Athena spouse and household
Hera end : You will have a happy family but some people would be jealous and declare war for whatever reason and Athena will boost them.

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