Class Ten'i de Ore dake Haburareta no de, Doukyuusei Harem Tsukuru Koto ni shita

Sep 29, 2018
@smoke82 I am not inherently defending this series as much as I am -attempting- to call out people on what I perceive as hypocrisy on the basis of a “knee jerk” reaction rather than purely the manga itself. There has been a single chapter (and frankly I see it getting worse) and while the synopsis only reinforces people’s concerns about it, people review bombing something after a single chapter still comes off as incredibly short-sighted to me.

My problem lies less with people’s personal views on *this* series (though it does annoy me personally) and more with the fact that frankly, in my opinion, the “wish-fulfillment” presentened here is far more “basic” than recycled garbage we see everyday like “I carried a girl who sprained her ankle and now she loves me” or “I discovered a girls ‘secret’ and didn't reveal it immediately ??? So now we’re friends” and plenty of other common things we see (and usually aren't presented well) don’t get *as* much heat as this because were used to them or are more accepting of them.

“I can” is fairly common theme in most of these isekais and this one is significantly worse in its own ways, yes, but “Becaude I can” is presented no worse here than in other series that aren’t as “rapey” and that’s my real problem.

I understand that’s because this is Inherently a niche festih and will not (nor do I particularly think it should) garner more praise. However the concept of “I have a sex superpower and want to use it” is just as much of a wish-fulfillment setting as any other “girl falls in love with guy for doing three things for her and not being an absolute piece of shit of a human being” trope out there, and yet this particular one receives more flak based on its fetishized depiction of said “sex superpower” situation.

Finally, While I obviously agree that having an actual buildup and characterization prior to him using his skill would make this objectively more tolerable. At the end of the day the story is still a revenge story about a guy with a sex-slave skill, the synopsis makes that abundantly clear. Yet even if this was well written and presented, I have no doubt there’d be a shitstorm surrounding it due to the nature or it’s concept, even if it was more “””consensual”””, which is fair enough, you can’t avoid controversy in something like this. However that does not (imo) mean it should be review bombed (I mean 1s ? Come on guys, we all know there’s far worse stuff on this site) Due to its FIRST CHAPTER because of its depection of a more niche -and less accepted- fetish.

P.S there’s nothing wrong with disliking “rape” obviously, but reacting like this to a fetish that’s clearly aimed at someone else, and you may not agree with, seems immature.
Sep 29, 2018
@Isekaijin I largely agree with you honestly. I haven’t written up a more comprehensive list of my grievances -mainly of peoples reactions- in two other responses as I felt they required more in-depth responses and I needed to clarify my stances on some things if you’d like to read them.

I think it’d be great if the MC wasn’t portrayed as this and if this was actually written properly and not purely as a rape fetish Isekai with a “revenge” story thrown in purely to use a director going forward and not the actually driving force of the story. As my other comments detailed (I’m lazy, srry) my problem lies more with people’s reactions to this as I perceive them as unnecessarily harsh simply due to it focusing on a particularly niche fetish as opposed to more common wish-fulfillment fetishes commonly included in these series (IE: Review bombing because of “rape” instead of because it’s just a bad series). I understand the distaste for it, I dislike the review bombing of a single chapter (and synopis) due to, what I perceive as -primarily- a reaction to said niche fetish instead of the many, many things that are just bad about it as a manga.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@LastNight Why are you using such weasely words? You're calling the fetish more niche and trashy when that very obviously isn't the problem. It's more morally degenerate. And I don't know why you'd have a problem with rating based on one chapter. The description alone gives enough information to know for a fact that this manga is shit-tier bait for horny kids. You're also implying that fetishes *should* be equal in acceptability, which is what I and hopefully most everybody else would disagree with. You say people aren't judging this on it's merits because you don't see the rape as part of it, but in reality that's this manga's central merit. It's the entire point of the premise. Even if people ignored that, the writing is below average at best.

Calling the sex here consensual is an utterly ridiculous argument. She didn't consent to be hypnotized, so anything that happens under the hypnosis is non-consensual by definition. It's obviously not her that's consenting if she's being controlled. Do you consider fucking somebody in their sleep consensual? Nobody else does, and it's essentially the same situation. I don't see how the Shield Hero controversy proves anything. It's not even remotely comparable in terms of the plot and the knee jerk reaction held true well into the story. I've read like 30 something chapters of it and it's true to its edgy, victim-complex roots throughout them.
Active member
Jan 3, 2019
if we compare his magic to real world it would be equal to drug you know ? which is pretty unethical thing to do to other person or even yourself
and by the way the girl was his classmate girlfriend which is established on the title which add a more disgusting fetish to this ntr
if it was put in porn site or he acknowledge the fact that he is a dirty pervert who take advantage of girl while peeing to force his way and drug her like all hentai mc do ,i won't rise any eyebrow but he see his action as rightful which is a pretty much a more creepy take than your average hentai mc and the fact that this series it published in none hentai magazine mean if it doesn't rise a negative reaction will see more of this shit on other manga like the cancer of the imouto genre
Jan 24, 2018
@LastNight "revenge story" are you kidding right xD
revenge for what??? he wasnt bullied ,kicked out with violence or something .....he was asked for gods sake asked to leave

he was kicked out because he is a danger to everyone and he prove that the same fucking night

he is a rapist who obtain a drug and start raping women because of nothing.......

and rating something is for that.....for people to give their opinion ....if you read this and see it being shit for manga standard and hentai standard you cant just say dont rate it because it only have 1 chapter......and like you said the description doesnt help right? do you think its going to be better with 2 or 3 chapter raping more classmates for no reason?

a manga about a rapist making sex-slave from his classmates because they kicked him out cause they feared him doing that exact same shit.......isnt a good manga and more if he just do it....without any reason at all .....and if your MC is just a shitty rapist without any reason to do that out of nowhere then i cant get behind it

being a fetish doesnt make a bad mc and a bad story better and yes i rated it 1* doesnt deserve anything better and if you think im wrong tell me 1 thing why you think it deserve more ,just 1 thing because mc is shit,story is shit,art is regular-bad most hentais are way better and i dont think the story is going to do more that add more girls and making them mindless sex-dolls for that idiot

and like i said if you can defend can defend anything really . I understand its your fetish but you cant justify this for other people and rating it 1* is the right thing if you think it deserve it because we have a reason to rate it 1* contrary to that idiot of a MC to rape girls

On a hentai i couldnt mind less but ....this is shounen for gods sake shounen xD if people let this shit pass like nothing its just going to get worse

and to be clear i dont mind if you come to this for a fap....its normal but talking about it being a shounen manga that deserve more than 1* .....
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
In allllllllllllllll of his interactions with girls, THEY ASK HIM FOR SEX. FEMALE ASKS MC FOR SEX.

all of them.

people coming here and start downvoting the manga because they are upset they read a story about an alpha male character fucking female characters is fucking pathetic. I don't go around downvoting all the shit manga with trash tier beta self cuck insert male MCs that have a shit ton of chapters with absolutely zero relationship developments in a "romance" tagged manga.

Look, you love your beta self cucking male characters we get it. You love it when the only "romance" part of a story is shoved down the readers throats in the last chapter for no fucking reason other than axed or cuz the editor reminded the author that this was suppose to be a "romance" story.

some of us love stories when there are actual fucking realistic physical developments in fuckin characters. And no it doesn't have to be fucking hentai, there are PLENTY of fucking non H manga that do just that.
Jan 24, 2018
@kronix alpha xD

idk if you dont know what an alpha male is but its funny how you talk about drugging and raping a girl alpha and realistic xD

i suppose than fucking a girl while she is sleeping is what an alpha does now xD
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018

if you want a very simple TL TR if what I personally define alpha/beta

Alpha MC: A male MC that is not afraid of chasing after girls, going as far as to start relationships with said girls (physical or not) and hopefully getting pussy.

Beta MC: A male MC that does everything in his power to turn down girls interested in him, even tho they are practically throwing themselves at him. Basically what people have been brainwashed to believe every young male adult to be for some reason. Sadly no young males or fuck it even regular adults wont get nosebleeds when they interact with females or get hard ons.
Jan 24, 2018
@kronix and you think this manga MC is alpha right?

are you missing the brainwashing skill and everything? an alpha doesnt need to drug and rape a girl to have sex ....dont you think? he is just a beta rape-fantasy mc nothing else
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018

the crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will.

in the manga, the girl is askin the MC for sex (you can check if you want) there is no sex drug, his skill makes the female love him. now if he had a skill that made the girls go to sleep and he fucks them then sure I'd be with people jumping on the rape bandwagon.

in the novel...

Every single girl except for one has asked the MC for sex FIRST after he activates the skill. The one girl that didn't actually loved the MC before isekai'd and once she recognized the MC she literally kinda rapes him (without him using his skill)

so yes, he is an alpha that makes girls fall for him in love regardless of skill. And yes he also hasnt forced sex on anybody since all the girls beg for the cock.
Sep 29, 2018
@me474 Fair enough, and whole heartedly agree on the note about NTR.

Though I just want to express it fairly quickly that what we do here has almost no impact on the series success, as I’m sure sure most people know that it’s hard and expensive to actually *buy* manga in the West, and hard for many to justify buying -most- series after reading them. So while I won’t tell someone *not* to speak out against it (provided it’s done civilly), I will say that getting angry in the comments of a manga hosting site really, really doesn’t actually affect a series’ success in japan itself.
Jan 24, 2018
@kronix and his brainwashing skill doesnt have anything to do with that??? xD

if they dont have any will they cant say no thats why i said fucking someone while she is sleeping

they arent drunk even ,they are cant talk about it like that is an alpha thing xD
Apr 1, 2019
@smoke82 yes i know, and most likely this manga will go to the "i can take anyone, i'll have a harem".

am just hoping for that tiny chance that this will be a dark fantasy, i dont want the TL team to stop it mid way without knowing.

for me, i like the not so hero thing. and not just about the story. but with the MC too i want him do evil for him self.
am bored and i want something new for ones.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
>he was kicked out because he is a danger to everyone and he prove that the same fucking night
Well to be fair, i'd do the same if was in his shoes. They literally kicked him out for something he had forced upon him and didn't even give him a chance to prove that he wasn't gonna do what they thought he was gonna do. That kind of behavior is the behavior of animals, not humans, and as such does not deserve to be treated as humans. Basic bitch 'You get what you give.'
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
They literally kicked him out for something he had forced upon him and didn't even give him a chance to prove that he wasn't gonna do what they thought he was gonna do. That kind of behavior is the behavior of animals, not humans, and as such does not deserve to be treated as humans.
If that was the reason behind his actions, that would be so immature (retarded even) of the MC.
Basic bitch 'You get what you give.'
She didn't do anything to him. So why attack her like that? That's no different than those people who avoid their responsibilities, have poor self-control, are impulsive, controlling, insecure, frustrated; and end up as wife-beaters or addicts. Since they can't endure/deal with their problems because they are weak and pathetic, they abuse others. When you wrote that, are you implying the MC was right in relieving his frustrations by raping her because 'she deserved it'. When someone gets mad, is it ok to go out and look for defenseless people to beat up or what.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
Lol at people saying the MC is alpha.

These are REAL alpha characters in my opinion:

-Oyaji from Oyaji
-Sakuragi and pretty much all the main characters from Rainbow
-Jung Woo from Tong, Tong classified, Tong vanity
-Hyuk from Dokgo
-Suk Hwan from Revival man
-Tomu from Gamble fish
-Guts from Berserk
-Xiao Yan from BTTH
-Oe Kintaro from Golden boy
-Ah Gou from
-Aiki from Aiki
-Aguri from King of ants
-Dao Ma from Blades of the guardians
-Daisuke from Bitter virgin
-Munsu from Shin angyo onshi
-Luo Jun from City of darkness
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
All this debate has taught me something... get the hell outta here, bye~

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