@givemersspls: This is gonna have to be one of those "agree to disagree" things then. Because while his situation is certainly stressful and Ma-Ri being a shut-in is something of an annoyance. Yelling at her, admonishing her, and overall just being terrible to her (again, by HIS own admission, so let that say something) when she is clearly a very passive person is just a dick thing to do. It's on thing to tolerate her situation and try to do something about it, but his attitude on doing so? Straight-up dickery. Add to the fact that, despite her personality, she is still an adult. Kids treating adults like shit is bad enough, but when said adult is trying to be nice, but is constantly frightened by the other party? How is that NOT being a dick? He wasn't oblivious to it either.
Sorry, dude, I get where you're coming from, but the MC is a punk bastard who needs to man up not lash out. He's been growing up and calming down little by little, though. Fortunately, this latest story arc seems to be helping him out too.
To clarify, I don't hate the kid. If I was in his shoes, I'd be just as WTF about the situation, though I wouldn't be as mouthy. I just think that BECAUSE he's a kid that's why he's being such a little dick (most middle school boys my age were growing up). But I also firmly believe once he ages a few more years, he'll get his act together and become much more likable.