Combating Misinformation: Official Statement

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Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
Thank You for this.
Honestly, MD is quite the comfy place to read (if you avoid involving yourself to those 'drama' stuff that happens, I guess. And if you do so, act with tact)
What ever the case, what happens, will happen. I believe we have the ability to stop being emotional about bad stuff and take 'em with some salt. If there's too much of it, throw them away or confront them without involving your personal emotions (is this what should I say? "think logically and emotionless" ?) We don't really know who's malicious or not. But if it's just some petty comment(though irritating) ignore it~
I'll be supporting MD when I get a job after graduating. Thank you again, even if this comment is a mess. I appreciate the effort and goodwill of the Scanlators, MD Staff and the like!
Peace Be With Y'all.

@Wolvenworks srsly tho? But Oppai and Thighs are greatest combined imo
Jun 16, 2018

That's a fair point, but they were always going to have the better optics on their own platform.

Politics really aren't my game. And if the platform ignores it all and doesn't improve itself, it won't be hurting me.

Honestly, out of this entire drama mess. The only people who won were the readers. They lost nothing. The chapters are still on the net, the series are all still being scanlated. Meanwhile MangaDex had its dirty laundry aired out in a far more public forum. And the scanlators got drug through the mud airing it.

As a reader, as long as the scanlators don't quit the world will keep turning.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 27, 2018
Thanks for clarifying what’s going on! I only just discovered the drama, and thankfully you had this up here to explain things! 🙂
Jun 16, 2018

I like how everyone immediately jumps to kiss. Like there aren't less offensive aggregates out there with just normal google adsense.

And honestly, if you consider minor inconveniences like that "losing", then you have a pretty easy life. I've mostly been using scanlator sites from the beginning. Mangadex just became where I would read Komi-san and a few others.
Mar 11, 2019

If that's the case, then simply resolving ourself to read OP's official statement and not replying to this will do. It's already clear enough for us... but no, that's not it, there will be a room for us to leave comments here. I'm not saying this to kill our expression to speak, but because of this drama is already going in circles (from scanlations, credit pages, until the irrelevant meme going legit, then back to square one. For the meme they even shown the already cut dialogue pic that's already happen a year ago as their "proof" LOL)

Aside from my point of agreeing with mangadex, I hate how MD staff simply define neutral platform as not doing a damn thing yet they, at the same time, seemingly to keep the ignited flames bright.

@holo reply about hati's internal result of internal conflict. I'm questioning your logic here as why you are the one to inform this. That is not your business, man. The ones to have right to tell is those people around the circles. I think the dark side of Internet has clouded a bit of your judgement.

This entire clarification statement itself is a nightmare. I said this not because of the content but the people commenting. From the very beginning, I had suggested on my post to simply pin and lock the reply since this would likely to happen. What happened here is within the post, the encouragement of replying fluctuates, and some of the staff even reply to defend their stances which is, I think, a waste of time. The staff are tired on smearing and irrelevant statement, yet you keep replying and even restating your position? there will be no best solution in this present, intense hatred to overcome. So, why bother? please take your time, MD's team. You guys are already great as best platform around. There's no need to defend yourself to this already toxic discussion.

P.S for MD staff, by any means if you are going to reply, please don't
My suggestion and critic is simply my 2 cents, it's simply take it or leave it
Active member
Jan 24, 2018
Certain groups: “toxicity so bad, MD won’t do anything”
Also certain groups: making up an excuse with year old cherrypicked screengrabbed comments and whining about literally everything

I always found it funny how people fight for their rights while obviously doing illegal things, lol
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2018
@TheOneWhoSighs Well yes, that is "losing". Readers are "losing" the previous convenience. Not sure why you're bringing up whether I have an easy life or not as if that's relevant to the discussion. Does it not count as "losing" until I sacrifice an arm and a leg for a chapter?

I'm more interested in how readers have "won" anything from this as you stated before. Even if they lost nothing from your POV, what did they win?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Arvadiel ikr? some people insist that only one thing is better. i insist that individually they are worthless if not as a whole packet. because no point if you got great ass, tits, and thighs but your face looks like it got run over by a combine after fucking an avocado
Jun 16, 2018

Far more public knowledge about MD wanting to go legit, and an endless list of reasons not to be a scanlator yourself.

To me that is far more valuable than some minor "convenience".
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@TheOneWhoSighs The going legit plan was never a secret. Therefore the readers haven't won anything. The ones that won on this are the aggregators, that gets back a massive chunk of readers, more than the groups themselves got out of this.
Jun 16, 2018

Yeah it was never secret. On their discord.

But it was never quite public knowledge either. There are numerous readers that would've heard of it for the first time.

The ones that won on this are the aggregators, that gets back a massive chunk of readers, more than the groups themselves got out of this.

The groups get nothing. They'll actually see a decrease in overall traffic. That's.... actually kinda why the "for profit" motive they were smeared with didn't make any sense. But lets not get into that. Mostly because it's late and this is my last reply in this thread.

Though I will agree that other aggregates definitely come out on top in this issue.
Sep 8, 2018
Lol scanlators whining about their "loss of potential income". Probably never had a real job.

MD be like oh we big now let's go legit because we have tons of scanlators providing us materials. I sure missed Fakku incident.

Tl;dr both sides are at fault.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Istvan90623 So far I have operated on the logic that they did this for profit, which makes this decision too dumb, but after talking about this somewhere else and seeing all these complaints about "toxic" behavior from the scanlators, I'm beginning to think that this isn't even about fucking over MD to get more ad revenue, it's about punishing the "entitled" readers by forcing them to either go the scanlator website or to some shitty aggregator.

I don't really want to believe this because claiming the people you don't like are evil and acting out of sheer pettiness is just convenient thinking but I can't deny that such a motive fits their actions much more than just wanting more ad money and donations.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@TheOneWhoSighs Their discord is public tho. Anyone is allowed to join it. Just because you don't follow certain places where you can get information, it doesn't mean it's not there.

The groups did get an influx of people after the whole thing blown up. I'm there at least of 4 pulled out groups discord, and their numbers spiked after the whole thing. In short term, this move was perfect for them, on the long run they loose more probably.
Aggregator gang
Oct 28, 2018
I'm not making a single dime out of scanlation, so I can assure you that my goal is not to profit. I simply don't like MangaDex and would rather not have my group's releases here.
If you are not making money off of it why does it matter where people read it? Does MD condone something that find particularly repugnant and you'd rather not be associated with them?

o, it's not characteristic of MD users. But because MD is a centralised service and—at the moment—a monopoly, it makes it easier for dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people to attack as a mob.

I think you should give up the whole "translating things into English" because you obviously don't know what words mean. How the fuck can MD considered a monopoly? Also with regards to "mobbing": what the fuck are you on about? Are you perhaps stupid? You do know that internet exists and enables people many people to view content and communicate with each other, right? What are you proposing? What you are saying is that any place where people can express ideas, have those ideas read by others, and then respond to those is dangerous because it enables coordination of vicious mobs? You should see psychiatrist because you are exhibiting some pretty pronounced levels of paranoia there.
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